What is NinjaOne (NinjaRMM) and how does it work?
NinjaOne (formerly NinjaRMM) is the renowned unified IT management solution that simplifies how IT teams work. NinjaOne helps IT teams manage all their endpoints and support end-users within one fast, modern, intuitive platform, improving technician efficiency and user satisfaction. NinjaOne supports over 10,000 customers worldwide and is consistently ranked #1 for our world-class customer support. The NinjaOne platform offers a single-pane-of-glass experience by combining IT teams that can proactively do endpoint monitoring, remote control, patch management, remote monitoring, software management, IT asset management, backup, IT service desk capabilities, and IT documentation. NinjaOne is an all-in-one unified solution with a fast, modern, intuitive interface.
Read more86% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is BackupVault Cloud Backup and how does it work?
BackupVault Cloud Backup is a backup service that helps companies to protect their digital assets. It does so by encrypting information and uploading it to the internet over a secured offsite server. This completely eliminates the risks of onsite threats such as flood, fire, user error, hardware issues and one of the most common now - ransomware. With BackupVault Cloud Backup, users get a range of solutions that are suitable for their different IT environments, like Google G Suite Backup and Office 365 Backup. In this way, users can protect their critical data on their server networks as well as end-user workstations. This service also includes a Data Upload Calculator that calculates how fast companies’ data can be uploaded on its offsite server. The uploading speed depends on the amount of data, how it compresses and how fast the upload internet connection is. Along with these services, the BackupVault Cloud Backup also offers the service of GDPR backup and GDPR disaster recovery.
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BackupVault Cloud Backup Pricing
79% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is StorageCraft Cloud Backup and how does it work?
StorageCraft Cloud Backup provides granular protection of the business’s Office 365, Microsoft 365, and G Suite data. Once this cloud backup solution is set up, backups happen automatically. In a few seconds, users can recover the version of a file or folder that they need, in its original format, through an easy-to-use web interface. And the user doesn’t need to sweat storage space, software upgrades, or the possibility of an onsite backup server failing.
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StorageCraft Cloud Backup Pricing
92% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is BDRSuite and how does it work?
Agentless Backup and Replication & Instant Recovery for VMs. Disk Image Backup & Bare-Metal Recovery for Physical Machines. Automated Cloud to On-premise Backup for SaaS Applications. Implement the 3-2-1 backup rule by backing up organization’s critical data to local drives, object storage, or tape drives, and manage them from a centralized web-based console.
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84% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is IBackup and how does it work?
IBackup enables small and medium-sized businesses to get enterprise-class online data protection with superior performance for their critical data at a fraction of cost. Schedule unattended offsite backups for Linux and Solaris with encryption, compression, and incremental backup options. Complement your online backup with secure local storage for all of your files, and get speedy backups and restores. This browser-based application makes it easy to access, manage and share data; features an image gallery and file search.
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76% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is exabackup and how does it work?
exabackup is the perfect solution for busy professionals with a lot of data to manage. Our cloud-based service allows customers to back up their important files with ease, saving valuable time and effort. With exabackup, customers don't have to worry about complex settings or systems they just need to choose the files they want backed up without doing any of the technical work. In addition, exabackup offers unbeatable protection and security. All your data is compressed before it's uploaded, so you don't have to worry about any security breaches or loss of speed during transfer. And since we only upload changes (incremental backups), additional data won't slow down your system or bog down an already heavy file load. So when it comes to making sure that all your important documents stay safe and secure, there's no better choice than exabackup!
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91% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is Asigra Cloud Backup and how does it work?
Asigra Cloud Backup is a fully secure and compliant cloud backup solution. It offers enterprise-grade data protection facilities, enabling organizations to protect the saved information within data centers of their own. Users also get access to Cloud Saas Protection facilities, to back up their businesses on the cloud and remain updated on the security metrics of in-house apps, services, platforms and data. When hit by disasters, enterprises can use the Business Continuity (BCDR) module featured by the software to create a comprehensive plan for cost-effective flexibility and quick RTOs. It also helps them eliminate the margin of error during the disaster period. Moreover, Asigra Cloud Backup assures accurate protection against ransomware, by eliminating chances of silently targeting the backed-up data, which is also the last line of defence. Further, organizations even get to meet regulatory compliances and commitments with Asigra Cloud Backup. Instant recovery, multitenancy, file-level restore, and content management are additional benefits provided by the software.
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91% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is MSP360 Backup and how does it work?
MSP360 Backup is a comprehensive online backup solution for small businesses that help Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and IT departments with an easy-to-manage cloud backup service. The solution comes loaded with a centralised management portal that can be used by companies to monitor and manage multiple back-ups, besides restoring users, endpoints, jobs and storage. With MSP360 Backup, users can proceed with both local and cloud-based storage services, such as AWS, Backblaze B2, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage and Microsoft Azure. Moreover, the software also promises to deliver GDPR compliant data backup services for individual users in an efficient manner. Its integrated master password framework helps admins safeguard backup files from unauthorised access. Also, integrated timestamps help users keep track of modified files. MSP360 Backup utilises Shadow Copy Technology by Microsoft Volume to backup opened files. A 24/7/365 technical support offered by the same helps users with fast and relevant responses concerning technical issues.
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76% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is N‑able Backup and how does it work?
N-able Backup is a centralized web-based dashboard-based data protection service for servers, workstations, essential corporate documents, and Microsoft 365TM. Backup was built for the cloud, so it's optimized for quick, efficient data transfers while consuming the least amount of network traffic. Cloud storage is included in your pricing; keep your data in one of 30 data centers across the world. Recovery testing (with screenshot verification) can be done automatically. Backup is, after all, all about recovery. N-able Backup allows you to recover from a single backup in a variety of ways, including bare-metal restore, physical-to-virtual recovery, continuous recovery, and recovery to your own alternate site or Azure. Get rid of your storage and appliance headaches. With N-able Backup, you can simplify your backups while still saving money. Reduce downtime and data loss as much as possible. With automatic recovery testing, you can make sure you're ready to avoid an outage. With bare metal recovery to new hardware or a VM, including physical-to-virtual restore, you can quickly restore full devices. With just-in-time recovery services, you can keep customers and improve your reputation.
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98% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is Backblaze and how does it work?
Backblaze is an online backup application that provides low-cost backup services. This software has an auto backup feature which maintains backup automatically in its cloud storage at regular intervals. It is compatible with Windows and Mac and data transfer between these two operating systems is also possible. The software uses AES military-grade encryption for the security of data. Data encrypted by AES are then stored using secured SSL connection in the cloud servers. Backblaze provides unlimited data storage space and allows the user to encrypt data using their own private key. It is a web-based application compatible with all OS platforms and provides secured backup services.
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96% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is Rubrik and how does it work?
Rubrik offers hybrid cloud businesses the availability of instant applications for recovery, search, and development. A cloud-based data management solution that enables users to manage and automate backup, replication, archiving, and data retrieval on a single platform. Rubrik can be used to manage the backup and recovery of the application in the cloud, with a set of REST APIs to organize backup, replication, archiving, disaster recovery, and so on. Protection policies can be created in the integrated policy engine and assigned to commercial SLAs for automatic execution. The platform allows users to obtain actionable information in their multi-cloud environment. You can create and share visual reports on specific virtual machines or physical hosts. In addition, they can monitor remote sites with up-to-date and regular reports that they can create and schedule, to ensure they have the necessary data during disaster recovery. This is the marks the end of the drought in innovation in support and recovery. In minutes, businesses can manage the data explosion in private and public clouds.
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96% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is Carbonite and how does it work?
Carbonite is a backup application software that provides flexible data protection. It creates backups without affecting the performance of the system. This software gives a feature of unlimited cloud storage along with remote sharing facility that gives access to files from anywhere. Moreover, this software delivers unlimited protection and has a user-friendly interface that allows easy installation. This software has easy recovery options, using which lost data can be restored in minimum time. The free version of this software is available that allows the user to test services before finalizing the purchase.
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95% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is IDrive Online and how does it work?
IDrive is a storage and backup software, exclusively designed to protect the user's data through periodic online backups. This software is pro in storing user’s data in a way that is accessible for the user when they need it and store it safely off-site as well. IDrive is a versatile solution that provides backup for multiple devices that make mobile devices work through one feasible account. Moreover, IDrive solution cloud storage is ideal for storing all types of files, including important documents, finance sheets, media files, and much more, just like your PC. By opting for Idrive mobile application for Android or iOS, users can work on their files anytime, anywhere. It specializes in offering universal online backup products that help small businesses, consumers, and enterprises that are extremely privacy-focused and are looking for software that offers optimal plans for multiple devices that goes great for the growing digital age. Comparatively, with the other cloud services storage, they charge for each device where Idrive secures multiple devices at a single affordable price at a premium and subscription-based pricing strategy.
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94% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is GoodSync and how does it work?
GoodSync is an efficient file backup and synchronization software ensuring enhanced access and restoration facility. It reduces the backup time, storage usage and network consumption levels by propagating the changes within data blocks. The software runs in the background performing tasks like scheduled, automated and real-time backups. All the versions of an individual data file gets saved within the software’s database, ensuring maximum protection and control to its users. GoodSync uses AES-256 bit encryption offering enhanced data security. It is capable of detecting, renamed files or folders and can execute them as move commands in an automated manner. Bandwidth Throttling feature within GoodSync, monitors the maximum allowed bandwidth speed eliminating unwanted disruptions. An automated conflict resolution module within the platform, gets issues related to data versions resolved in real-time. The software gets connections with remote folders re-established in an automated manner, incase of potential disruptions during data sync or analysis.
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92% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is Veeam Backup & Replication and how does it work?
Veeаm is a leading online bасkuр solutions platform that delivers Modern Data Рrоteсtiоn to its users. It provides the most advanced data рrоteсtiоn асrоss in all environments– сlоud, virtual, SааS, Kubernetes and рhysiсаl. It adds to the needs of the соmраny and allows you to save on operating costs. It allows you to customize bасkuр and restore орerаtiоns, рreраre, test and automate your disaster reсоvery strategy, and to upload and dоwnlоаd bасkuрs from the сlоud. Veeam is a single platform for рrоteсting and managing resources in multi-сlоud environments, including АWS, Azure and Gооgle Сlоud. It delivers сlоud mobility to bасk uр, reсоver and migrates multiple environment wоrklоаds, ensuring up to fifty times lower costs when natively рrоteсting cloud workloads. Соmраny’s new suрроrt for Google Cloud Storage scale-out Bасkuр Repository Сарасity Tier, providing greater сhоiсe of hot cloud storage targets. Veeаm has 400,000+ сustоmers worldwide, including 82% of the Fortune 500 and 69% of the Global 2,000. Veeаm’s 100% сhаnnel eсоsystem includes global раrtners, as well as HРE, NetАрр, Сisсо, and Lenovo as exclusive resellers.
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Veeam Backup & Replication Pricing
92% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is NetApp and how does it work?
NetApp provides cloud-based data protection services and ensures file security all the time. It has a feature of email notification for notifying every time a backup cycle has been completed. In addition to this, data protection is the prime function provided by NetApp where all data are backed up in a cloud storage. Data backup speed is quite high, which reduces the time being taken to complete a cycle. During system malfunctioning, data backups are restored without data loss. Along with this, customization is also possible which allows the user to customize based on their requirements. This software is compatible with mobile devices and supports Windows, Linux and Mac platforms.
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92% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is Datto Backupify and how does it work?
Datto Backupify is an automated Office 365 and G Suite backup service for businesses, helping them to reduce risk and save money on the go. At present, more than 40k companies use the same to get their tasks streamlined. Businesses can depend on the software to get essential files that are damaged due to ransomware attacks, end-user or admin errors recovered quickly just with a few clicks. Moreover, they can also get critical information restored back to their granular version (to the individual email or file level). Datto Backupify’s private cloud is purpose build, compliant with SOC 2 Type II guidelines, besides offering the ability to sign BAAs. The best part about the software is that it comes loaded with an automated user interface, where client-specific overage costs and storage are taken care of in a hassle-free manner. Also, 10+ years of consistent performance and backup innovation facilitates seamless data availability and monitoring on the go.
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91% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is Livedrive and how does it work?
Livedrive offers truly unlimited online backup and cloud storage. The service adds a new drive to user home or office computers, allowing user to securely store the data online and access user files from anywhere. This feature rich web portal gives user access to the files on the move, letting user edit Office documents and photos, or play music and movies directly from the browser. Livedrive also provides a free iPhone, Android and iOS app to allow user to access the files from anywhere at any time.
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91% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is Microsoft System Center and how does it work?
Microsoft System Center is a cloud-based application that provides continuous data protection. This application is developed with Data Protection Manager, due to which data backups can be maintained and lost files can be restored. It is a client to cloud management tool where public and private servers can be integrated into the cloud platform. This software provides some additional features such as System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) and System Center Operation Manager (SCOM). In addition to this, it provides endpoint protection feature and is compatible with all platforms such as Windows and Linux. Microsoft System Center is also compatible with mobile devices.
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Microsoft System Center Pricing
90% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is OpenDrive and how does it work?
OpenDrive now helps you to not only store data, but also sync, share and collaborate all within one interface and from one login. With OpenDrive you can share or collaborate on files through links or shortcuts. Open documents or play audio and video files from OpenDrive. OpenDrive creates a virtual private network between computers and enables to sync or backup of files across computers connected to any account. Get a complete audit trail of files and user activity. With activity logs, you can sort usage reports by login, downloads, upload frequency, and more.
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90% SW Score The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read more
What is UpdraftPlus and how does it work?
updraft.com is a robust and reliable plugin that streamlines all the complicated backup, restoration, migration and cloning operations for the customers website. Simply install the plugin and ready to start managing all the backups directly from the WordPress dashboard – no more manual data entry required! With updraft.com, get real-time updates on all of the customers backups and can rest assured knowing that everything ran smoothly without any hiccups or errors. Plus, customers can back up to multiple destinations including Dropbox, Google Drive, FTP/SFTP site, Microsoft OneDrive and many others – giving maximum flexibility when managing the backups.
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