Home/Glossary/Popular SaaS FeaturesUpdated on: April 16, 2024

Popular SaaS Features

Here is the definition of Popular SaaS Features and a list of all features. Know what is Popular SaaS Features with all details, processes, and the details of its features

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Search (Filter)

The search action allows you to quickly and easily narrow down a list of records and show only those that include the data you're looking for.

Status Tracking

The term status tracking is used in most CRM systems to describe the process of tracking email delivery within the CRM. The most basic form of email status tracking is determining whether or not a recipient has opened an email. Some software also keep track of which of the email's individual URLs is clicked.

Task Tracking

Task tracking or task management is the process where one identifies, monitors, and progresses the work that needs to be done during the day. In terms of project management, task tracking is how the workflow is efficiently organized. It’s task-oriented, detailed, and part of the larger scheduling of a project.

Third-party Integration

Third-party integration means addition of necessary external data to an existing project using different APIs (Application Program Interfaces). Due to the third-party APIs the developers are able to build a new solution in a shorter period of time, using already existing components instead of creating a code for new ones from scratch.

Ticket Management

The method of handling issues and requests is known as ticket management. Tickets are basic data entities that are used to monitor anything that must be done. Ticket management is a very useful business method that is integrated into most communication software.

Time Tracking

Time tracking allows you to keep track of the hours spent on individual tasks and on the project as a whole. Time tracking should allow your team members to add time entries to tasks easily.

Task Management

Task management is the method of tracking the progress of your project's activities from start to finish. This entails constantly making choices for your tasks in order to accommodate adjustments that might arise in real-time, with the end goal of completing your tasks successfully.

Tax Management

The aim of tax management is to ensure that the provisions of the Income Tax Act and related laws are followed. Through the tax management function of various tools, you can handle local and foreign tax rates.

Template Management

A method of governing a company's document environment based on a variety of document models is known as template management. An efficient template management solution makes it easier for workers to build papers, saving time and efficiency.

Time & Expense Tracking

Time and expense tracking is the process of recording and tracking hours worked and expenses as they relate to projects. Time and expense tracking may provide multiple timesheet and expense views, configurable work time, overtime, approval, and expense reporting policies to allow organizations to effectively collect and manage time and expenses based on their unique requirements. It enables companies to reduce errors, duplicate entries, and administrative overhead. It can also reduce the amount of time it takes to collect and report project data, manage timesheets and remote data entry.