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About Smartarget

Smartarget enables users to add different apps to their websites and increase customer engagement and sales without any coding. The software works with various content management platforms such as Cloudfare, Shopify, WordPress, GoDaddy, Wix, Weebly, etc. Users can allow their customers to contact them quickly via WhatsApp, phone, email and others through the communication feature of the software. Smartarget provides its users with a simple interface that requires no programming language knowledge and it doesn’t matter which CMS one is using. The software has different apps that enable its users to communicate various kinds of special offers and deals to customers. With Smartarget, users don’t need to worry about stuff like code maintenance or updating plugins as the software requires no code maintenance or plugin updates, thus saving time. The integration process of the application is quite simple and helps users to enhance their business productivity. Moreover, users are not required to pay any additional server costs with Smartarget.

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Screenshots & Videos

Smartarget : Dashboard screenshot


Platforms Supported

  • Browser Based (Cloud)

Organization Types Supported

  • All (Small, Medium, Large)

API Support

  • NA

Modes of Support

  • Online

Smartarget Features

Customer Engagement

Enables the brand to maintain contact with their potential customers

Sales Tracking

Helps to track sales systematically


A digital insight of reports and other workings on a single screen
Smartarget Pricing

Free Trial


Pricing Options

Premium Plans ( Subscription )

Pricing Plans

Screenshots of Vendor Pricing Page

Pricing screenshot
Disclaimer: The pricing details were last updated on 06/12/2024 from the vendor website and may be different from actual. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing.

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Smartarget FAQs

What is Smartarget used for?

Smartarget offers the following functionalities:

  • Customer Engagement
  • Sales Tracking
  • Dashboard

Learn more about Smartarget features.

Does Smartarget provide API?

No, Smartarget does not provide API.

Smartarget Contact

Vendor Details

Berlin, Germany

Contact Details


Social Media Handles

Not available

Smartarget Integrations


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