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ServiceDeck Pricing

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Freemium ( Limited Features )

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Pricing Insights for Field Service Management Software

  • The Average Cost of a basic Field Service Management Software plan is $29 per month.

  • ServiceDeck pricing starts at $28/month, which is 3% lower than similar services.

  • 44% of Field Service Management Software offer a Free Trial Allows users to try out the software for a limited period before making a purchase decision. , while 10% offer a Freemium Model Allows users to access basic features at no cost..

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Disclaimer: The pricing details were last updated on 13/06/2023 from the vendor website and may be different from actual. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing.

ServiceDeck FAQs

How much does ServiceDeck cost?

The pricing for ServiceDeck starts at $28.00 per user per month. ServiceDeck has a single plan:

  • Team at $28.00 per user per month.
    • ServiceDeck offers a Free Plan with limited features. They also offer an Enterprise Plan for their product.

      Learn more about ServiceDeck pricing.

Does ServiceDeck offer a free plan?

Yes, ServiceDeck offers a free plan.

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ServiceDeck Features

Field Service Management Features

  • Features: The Feature Score % is calculated using the weighted average method, where core features hold more weight in the final calculation. Read more

Offline Reporting

Helps you to save the data offline and synchronize as soon the device connects to the internet

Analytics (Workforce)

Helps you track and analyse the performance of the workforce


Sends instant status reports about the task with customer feedback

Route Optimization

Determines the cost efficient route to perform the order

Real-time Job Tracking

Allows you to view your workforce in real time and improve strategy

Job Scheduling

Helps in allocating jobs to the right person at the right time

Compliance Management

Helps in making an assessment of risks, ensures policy comprehension and that policies/procedures are being followed

Inventory Management

Helps in recording inventory to optimize and fulfill the requirement.

Claims Management

Helps to organize and keeping track of insurance claims and as such claims made by patients.

Document Management

Ability to store and manage various information and documents in electronic format.

Billing and Invoicing

This feature helps in issuing and handling the invoice and bills.

Digital Signature

A facility to capture digital signature in a secure format

Attendance Management

Helps to manage employee attendance or workforce presence in the workplace to reduce employee downtime

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