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5 Questions to Ask Before Adding Voice & Messaging Into Your App

This guide to help you determine whether adding voice and messaging to your app is a good decision for you. Here you will learn whether or not voice and messaging will enhance your user experience, how to determine if your voice and the messaging app can serve multiple business needs, things to consider about mobile SDKs and your own server loads.

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What's Inside

1. Will voice and messaging improve the user experience?

2. Can your voice and messaging app serve multiple business needs?

3. Are you sure your server can handle the load?

4. Does your provider’s API platform have the right resources for your needs?

5. Does your provider’s SDK serve your needs?

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Building successful APIs Building successful APIs

Discussing proven best practices that enable businesses to realize success from APIs and ensure appropriate security and system management or running up unsustainable costs. The eBook covers the following conceptual topics: Creating awareness of the challenges and opportunities inherent in APIs, Understanding what the API does, Creating an infrastructure and platform to host APIs, Supporting a development community for the API.

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Kubernetes: The Future of Infrastructure Kubernetes: The Future of Infrastructure

This ebook explains how Kubernetes is modernizing the microservices architecture. Included are a deep dive into the history of Kubernetes and containers, the technical and organizational benefits of using Kubernetes for container orchestration, as well as considerations for adopting it.

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OpenLegacy and the API Economy OpenLegacy and the API Economy

The quickest way to satisfy a business requirement using your company’s information assets is a modern-day Application Programming Interface (API). In this whitepaper explores with the following questions and answers about an API : What are APIs and how do they impact business, how do APIs enable faster innovation & differentiation, how APIs unlock value in your legacy business systems.

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7 Warning Signs You Need To Replace Your ESB 7 Warning Signs You Need To Replace Your ESB

This e-book will help you identify the critical limitations of your ESBs to support the evolving integration requirements of your applications and data. This guide also offers insights for how businesses can evolve their integration infrastructures to respond to today’s digital opportunities and challenges.

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The Chief Digital Officer’s Guide to Digital Transformation The Chief Digital Officer’s Guide to Digital Transformation

Digital connectivity has blurred industry boundaries, shifting the competitive landscape and forcing organizations to transform business models. This has elevated the Chief Digital Officer as a role of significant prominence over the next five years with a focus on prioritizing digital goals, talent, and initiatives. This eBook uncovers those priorities while delving into APIs as the foundational platform that will enable digital execution as businesses transform.

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Innovation in the API economy Innovation in the API economy

This executive report—based on interviews with over 30 individuals representing companies across industries—highlights key challenges and effective practices for creating the external experiences and building internal capabilities needed to compete successfully in the API-driven economy. IBM's research shows that, given the increasing importance of APIs.

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API essentials for every stakeholder API essentials for every stakeholder

This paper reviews some of the key players who have a stake in API strategy, including API designers, integration developers, API product managers, operations leads, security architects, and enterprise architects. It looks at how an API platform (or platforms) can address the distinctive needs of each role as they come to devise and implement an API strategy.

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Winning in the API economy Winning in the API economy

Application programming interfaces (APIs) can fuel internal innovation, reach new customers, extend products and create vibrant partner ecosystems. This shift in the way business works is creating huge opportunities for both individual organizations and global commerce as a whole. This e-book explores various API use cases and provides insights and direction on ways to maximize your API program through best practices. Learn how organizations are embracing APIs to improve performance.

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Secrets of a Great API Secrets of a Great API

A great API encourages developers to use it and share it with others, creating a virtuous cycle where each additional successful implementation leads to greater engagement and more contributions from developers who add value to your service. In this White Paper you will learn What developers really want from your API, how to make your API stand out from the crowd, strategies for driving broad developer adoption.

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7 Reasons Leading Companies Manage their APIs in the Cloud 7 Reasons Leading Companies Manage their APIs in the Cloud

APIs offer an unprecedented opportunity to expand your company’s relationships with customers. That’s because they make it easy to deploy content and services in new, ultra-relevant contexts. Those can include your own branded apps, integrations with strategic partners, and cobranded apps built by external developers. This White Paper will help you to learn how they maximize security, reliability and speed for the world's most demanding API providers.

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