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Wezen - Semantic Asset Management Pricing

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Pricing Insights for Data Entry Software

  • The Average Cost of a basic Data Entry Software plan is $34 per month.

  • 86% of Data Entry Software offer a Free Trial Allows users to try out the software for a limited period before making a purchase decision. , while 13% offer a Freemium Model Allows users to access basic features at no cost..

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Disclaimer: The pricing details were last updated on 27/08/2018 from the vendor website and may be different from actual. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing.

Wezen - Semantic Asset Management FAQs

How much does Wezen - Semantic Asset Management cost?

Wezen - Semantic Asset Management provides a custom pricing for their software.

Learn more about Wezen - Semantic Asset Management pricing.

Does Wezen - Semantic Asset Management offer a free plan?

No, Wezen - Semantic Asset Management does not offer a free plan.

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Wezen - Semantic Asset Management Features

Data Entry Features

  • Features: The Feature Score % is calculated using the weighted average method, where core features hold more weight in the final calculation. Read more

Image Entry

Facilitates introducing images or pictures into the database

Flexible Search

Offers flexible search options to find and extract specific data from the database

Duplicate Detection

Detects duplicate data and notifies the users about potential duplicates

Data Entry Verification

Verifies data entries made into the data fields or databases and ensures accuracy

Phonetic Variation Detection

Helps to detect differences in phonetics and helps to articulate specific vowel or consonant sounds

Mis-Keyed Variation Detection

Helps to detect mis-typed variations in the database

Library Conversion

Helps to convert text files into necessary structures and format

Data Cleansing

Helps in verifying/correcting/modifying inaccurate or coarse data from database

Data Capture and Transfer

Helps to transfer data from/to database or collecting data from multiple databases

Abbreviation Detection

Helps to detect and identify abbreviations easily in the database

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