Home/ Digital Adoption Platform Software/ EdCast MyGuide/ Reviews
Updated on: February 15, 2025
Your personal guide for simplifying digital technology
Ability to create step-by-step guidance, surveys, and multiple multimedia options for guided navigation.
Nothing much to dislike but I wish they had more free training sessions for authors.
EdCast MyGuide is used for onboarding new employees. Benefits include higher productivity for software users.
The step by step instructions provided by MyGuide enables users like us to master the software easily and without any external help.
Surveys feature could have been more exhaustive.
Its a great DAP product which will help you solve your business goals like employee training , User on boarding. The team is friendly, flexible and provide good discounts based on negotiations
MyGUide was used to onboard sales representatives on SFDC applications and train sales team on SFDC. This helped us increase the efficiency of sales users on applications.
We saw reduction in support tickets and increase employee engagement.
MyGuide delivers powerful inline guide capabilities, but so much more.
When I first started using MyGuide, I was not aware of Surveys, Automation, Form Validation, Digital Duct Tape, Video creation. I am pleasantly surprised by the breadth of capabilities.
Learning curve is greater than I expected. It's easy to create simple guides. It's hard to create more sophisticated guides on complex software that work in every fathomable scenario.
Dig deep into the core functions. The MyGuide team will help you meet your needs.
Explore the other capabilities (i.e. Survey) you will find a use for them.
I run a training site and run a lot of surveys. These are launched by beacons on a page. Also using inline guides and tool tips.
We offer registration for an online instructor led course, and MyGuide helps users enroll in all of the correct modules which used to be a problem.
In-App learning delivered by feature GuideMe makes it easier for our users to learn new product.
It could have better design.
UI and UX can further be improved.
User Adoption and reducing support tickets.
30% reduction in support tickets.
Simple to use authoring environment with wizard based input screens to make the SME life easy. Different modes like training, simulation, assessment and in-app guidance with one publishing option. Being in cloud make the content available after it get published immediately to the user. Overall it is a great Digital Adoption Solution.
MyGuide could have created more base guides on popular apps so that organization shall have some base guides to start adopting and further customize.
In-app guidance to improve user performance and avoid support tickets. Also using the different publishing option for user manual and training component developments.
I love the variety of different features the program has. You can use tooltips hat show up anytime you go to a specified webpage. You can cover and use digital hiders to control what the user sees if information needs to be kept secure. You can use automation to simplify everyday tasks or for something that is long and tedious and only needs a bit of human interaction besides clicking and moving around the page. It is an awesome program!
I can't really give any dislikes. They are constantly improving the software and if there is ever an issue, they are extremely quick to resolve and improve upon it.
Try the program and make sure to ask about the many features it has. The expansive selection of features has given me many new things that I can use MyGuide to accomplish. It is not just a guide for clicking and moving around the page like many of the others. It has options on top of options to make for a very customized, intelligent program.
We now use Edcast MyGuide for automation and user onboarding!
With MyGuide we are able to ensure that our clients receive interactive training that is ongoing. We are able to change how we train our clients by moving away from the traditional classroom training to hands-on interactive training of new applications and programs. With MyGuide we are already seeing an increase in productivity and knowledge of users during the on-boarding process.
I haven't found anything to dislike about MyGuide.
If you're looking for a way to shorten the on-boarding process or keep your users current and productive with your applications then MyGuide is the way to go.
We are using MyGuide to improve our training and on-boarding processes for clients and their users. By providing our clients with more hands-on and interactive training, with MyGuide, we are able to ensure that new users will be confident with the applications and programs they are using. With MyGuide we are also able to make training on updates easy by having users experience the updates and completing any new steps correctly with MyGuide.
Great Product with Intuitive Design & Easy to use capability.
None at the moment. I actually do not have any complaints about MyGuide.
MyGuide has now enable us to directly manage our Application and quick time to market the features/user training - thus resulting into faster On-boarding Process.
I like the step by step navigation feature. This increased user adoption at clients end. Insight helped in understanding end user roadblock.
Customer engagement/UX can be improved. Better UI by using modern design and icons.
Easy to use and every effective. worth a try.
End user on-boarding, digital adoption. reduction in spend on training and faster ROI.
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Easiness to create guided workflows and show me features for on demand learning.
Admin panel can use some improvisation.
They are flexible with pricing and are negotiable.
We are training new sales reps on salesforce using EdCast MyGuide. Higher system usage is the key benefit.