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About Sparqa

Sparq delivers an intuitive search experience for Shopify store users, improving their product discovery and boost conversions. The tool includes an advanced machine learning algorithm that delivers personalized results. Its fast and flexible infrastructure, the solution allows users to showcase the most relevant products, categories and pages to their customers within milliseconds. All this along with Sparq’s unique user interface enhance the overall user experience on their websites. This significantly reduces their bounce rates. Sparq’s smart search tool also predicts what customers are looking for as they start typing and shows the most relevant products to enhance their shopping experience. The tool is mobile optimized and allows the customers to filter their searches by categories, brands, sizes, prices, etc. or use custom filters to find their next shopping cart items. Sparq enables professionals to use powerful insights to drive important business decisions, understanding user behavior and recommending products that are already popular.

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Sparqa screenshot
Sparqa screenshot
Sparqa screenshot


Platforms Supported

  • Browser Based (Cloud)

Organization Types Supported

  • Medium Business
  • Small Business
  • Freelancers
  • Individuals

API Support

  • NA

Modes of Support

  • Online
Sparqa Pricing

Free Trial

Not available

Pricing Options

Premium Plans ( Subscription )

Pricing Plans

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Pricing screenshot

Disclaimer: The pricing details were last updated on 21/12/2018 from the vendor website and may be different from actual. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing.

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Sparqa FAQs

What are the top alternatives for Sparqa?

Does Sparqa provide API?

No, Sparqa does not provide API.

Sparqa Contact

Vendor Details

London, England - WC1N 3QN

Contact Details

+44 (0) 20 3912 0619

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