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SessionStack Reviews

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4.8/5 (Based on 73 Ratings)

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Nikolay B

January 25, 2024 Source:
"Very useful for detecting UI bugs"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

Our team uses this for session replays, which has made us very efficient in detecting bugs.

Moreover, we gain a lot of valuable learnings straight from our engaged users, as the platform

has the ability to recognize trends and patterns in their behavior.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

Nothing major at this point. Nonetheless, we could use some additional filters in their conversion

funnels to better detect friction in our user journeys.

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

Thanks to SessionStack’s session replay player we have the ability to answer the “why” behind

the “what”. This was a true game changer for us and for the continuous improvement of the UX

of our platforms.

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July 31, 2023 Source:
"Effective tool for website monitoring"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

Almost flawless. I discovered a few glitches while using it though, but the customer service crew was usually very helpful.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

Screen recordings can occasionally be sluggish or entirely black, but fortunately this does not happen very often.

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

Session replays provide a whole new layer of user behavior analysis, and SessionStack makes it available to everyone. With their interface, installation is very simple, which has allowed me to devote more of my valuable time to genuine analysis of our website.

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Anonymous User

July 20, 2023 Source:
"Session Replays for the WIN"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

SessionStack is the ultimate way for me to understand how my users are navigating and

interacting with our website. The tool has been designed to do this perfectly well.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

I would like to use this for our mobile apps, which are built with Flutter, but so far SessionStack doesn’t support this.

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

It allows me to do more work with less people

- It gives me the ability to better understand our users

- It helps the Support to quickly reproduce issues

- It helps me measure the adoption of new features

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Kristen G

March 15, 2023 Source:
"Game changer for bugs hunting!"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

Its incredibly easy to search for users and watch their sessions. We love sending it to the development team so they can reproduce bugs.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

Nothing so far. It's been very smooth to use

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

Customers will report bugs and (most of the time) developers have no idea where to start reproducing them. We use session stack to send recordings over to developers so they can see a play by play of how the bugs are reproduced.

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Bilyana I

March 8, 2023 Source:
"A ton of valuable data"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

SessionStack is simply fantastic. It helps me identify both usability and technical issues. It automatically records every user interaction and picks up everything - from delayed API requests, through slow page loading, to JavaScript issues and so much more.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

The platform is unable to handle media files in the WebP format, and canvas is also not supported.

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

Session replay is fantastic on its own. But on top of it SessionStack adds powerful product analytics, allowing me to segment millions of user interactions in order to gain a better understanding of user experience and identify actionable common threads.

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Emil A

March 4, 2023 Source:
"Unparalleled for optimizing websites"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

It provides information on what my visitors are seeing and clicking, and how long they spend on each piece of content. You can see how significant this information is, especially if you want to optimize your website for a better user experience.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

Everything is working OK thus far, however, I'd like email alerts or notifications when my segments change, otherwise, I risk missing out on critical insights.

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

SessionStack, with its built-in session replay engine, gives me a significantly narrower type of analysis, which provides a very precise overview of the visitors' behavior, allowing me to better tailor my website for selected target audiences.

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Chris W

March 1, 2023 Source:
"Professional UX and design research"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

Our visitors are often pretty picky when it comes to design quality, thus an improperly designed website may get them disengaged and cause them to leave as a result. With the help of SessionStack, we are able to increase conversion rates, decrease bounce rates, and receive unbiased feedback on the UX from our actual users.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

The platform comes with a default data retention period of 30 days, which is quite short for us. Unfortunately there is no public pricing for a longer retention period on their website...

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

SessionStack captures all interactions of our visitors with our website, including user annoyance signals such as rage clicks, which is when someone repeatedly clicks on certain elements of our website. It can also identify when our users leave our website, which allows us to take the necessary precautions to prevent that in the future.

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Ivo Z

February 28, 2023 Source:
"Helps us convert more visitors into delighted customers!"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

SessionStack is great for session replays and those allow us to watch exactly what our users were seeing and doing on our website.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

Heat maps are the only thing I'm missing right now. Everything else is quite amazing.

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

In general, we use it to study user behavior in order to improve the usability and conversion rates of our website. Understanding a website visitor's behavior to predict buying intention is an efficient technique to target marketing operations in our context.

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Bojidar M

February 22, 2023 Source:
"Always providing valuable insights about our users"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

SessionStack visually reconstructs every user click, move and scroll, which I find extremely valuable for user journey optimizations.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

There are currently no disadvantages to using SessionStack based on my personal experience with the tool.

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

The tool allows us to gain a better understanding of our visitors' behavior by showing us exactly what path a visitor followed on our site, allowing us to assume the "why" and discuss ideas to optimize the journey.

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Antoaneta K

February 22, 2023 Source:
"Helps us uncover customers' pain points"

What do you like best about SessionStack?

SessionStack extends the capabilities of our existing analytics tools by providing a comprehensive view of the user's experience.

What do you dislike about SessionStack?

The segment builder occasionally requires a refresh in order to update, however this is a small inconvenience.

What problems is SessionStack solving and how is that benefiting you?

We are able to see what exactly happened when that specific client encountered a problem, which gives us greater context when providing customer assistance and enables us to replicate and resolve errors more promptly.

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