Automatically get homeworks assigned or manually add them. Automatic reminders and class management along with grades. Integrate with Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, etc. Simple aesthetic to-do list along with pomodoro timer. Teachers can assign students homeworks, manage classes, etc. Get an overview of everything in one place.
Quizlet makes simple learning tools that let you study anything. Start learning today with flashcards, games, and learning tools all for free. Each new thing you learn is an achievement. Quizlet breaks down topics and subjects, so you accomplish something new every step of the way. When even the smallest lessons feel like a victory, it’s easy to keep going. Help every student confidently learn anything, no matter what they’re striving to achieve. Using Quizlet’s free study sets, study modes, and in-class games, you can instantly create a more engaged classroom.
Read moreProProfs flashcard maker - Study & create online flashcards for work, school or fun. Use flashcards to learn anything and share them on social networks, blogs or your website.
Our SAT prep courses include full-length practice tests, customized study plans, on-demand lessons and more. Enroll in our SAT Prep classes today.
Prepare for the GMAT exam using the FREE GMAT™ Official Starter Kit + Practice Exams 1 & 2, featuring the only full-length adaptive practice exams created by the maker of the GMAT exam.
Course Hero is an online learning platform where user can access over 20 million course-specific study resources. Students can find practice problems, study guides, videos, class notes, and step-by-step explanations.
Shmoop's four core products support grades 6-12 and include The Shmoop Heartbeat, Courses & Content, Test Readiness, and Intervention. More than 6M monthly users and thousands of schools and districts across the world. Offering both video-based and written formats.
Brainscape is an adaptive web & mobile education platform that helps students and employees learn faster using "adaptive flashcards" Anyone can easily create, find, and share flashcards, and study them using the latest in proven cognitive science techniques.
GoConqr is a personal learning environment that allows students & teachers to create, discover and share learning resources. Transform your learning and achieve your goals with GoConqr
Find and study online flashcards and class notes at home or on your phone. Visit StudyBlue today to learn more about how you can share and create flashcards for free!
EducationCity is an educational resource for children aged 3-12 and their teachers. Our curriculum-based classroom software is perfect for your school. Providing teaching resources, classroom idea and educational games.
The Lexia Core5 Reading program is designed to support educators in providing differentiated literacy instruction for students of all abilities in grades pre-K-5. The program is based on research and provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction. The program targets skill gaps as they emerge and provides teachers with data and student-specific resources for individual or small-group instruction.
Read morePhotomath is the #1 app for math learning; it can read and solve problems ranging from arithmetic to calculus instantly by using the camera on your mobile device. With Photomath, learn how to approach math problems through animated steps and detailed instructions or check your homework for any printed or handwritten problem.
Ask all types of questions big or small from basic math to rocket science. Tutors give quality explanations & answers via messenger. This innovative live learning platform combines video chat, interactive tools, and collaborative workspaces to create a rich, rewarding one-on-one session with exactly the right tutor for user no matter where user are.
Read moreUSATestprep has helped more than 2 million students master state standards with K-12 standards-aligned resources. Request a free trial today!
Take your free, TOEFL practice test now! The TOEFL exam is taken by more than 30 million people. Study on our site for free with no registration required.
Brainingcamp is an educational software that helps teachers to deliver interesting and interactive math lessons to their students and create fun math games for them. With this software, users can represent math problems in abstract forms so they can become more engaging for students. It offers 16 types of manipulatives to represent problems with the help of its unique features like number lines, ten frames and memorable animations. The software also comes with some collaborative features that enable teachers and students to connect live with each other. Brainingcamp offers visualise concepts that make learning more fun. It also supplements all curriculum to teachers and it is ad-free, which means no disturbance. The software provides teachers with quickstart tutorials, 250+ tasks, PD webinars and LIVE to share their screen in real-time. Moreover, it also supports ClassLink and Clever SSOs and also other options to work with other platforms.
Read moreeduAPP is a fully integrated and customised mobile school app that enables parents, staff and students to receive information from the school.
Quizplus provides students with educational services and thoughts that can help them pass their exams efficiently and successfully. Quizplus provides students with a wide variety of online study tools (Quizzes, test-prep, questions & answers, flashcards, homework help, upload study materials, search questions by image, study loans, and learning personalization).
Learnist | 0 |
Quizlet | 4.5 |
ProProfs Flashcards Maker | 0 |
SAT Self-Paced | 0 |
GMATPrep Software | 0 |
Course Hero | 0 |
Shmoop | 0 |
Brainscape | 0 |
GoConqr | 0 |
StudyBlue | 0 |
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