On average, as a business manager, you are more likely to spend time analyzing market trends than actually following them. But now there are ways through which you can keep up with the ever-changing marketing trends easily. Well, the good news is that there are ways to automate marketing software so that they provide you with each marketing update and keep you off from measuring or analyzing information marketing trends. So, here is a list of marketing automation tools that will make your business marketing less exhausting. 

Top Marketing Automation Tools


Demandbase is an excellent marketing automation tool that enables marketers to gain insights into relevant and potential target accounts. 

The software tool also assists business organizations in tracking engagement rates and reports using a single tool. This eliminates technical complexity and also gives you a clear view of how many accounts are engaged with your brand. 

When integrated with HubSpot, this software can help you determine business strategies that resonate with target accounts. 


As the name suggests, Omnisend is a marketing automation tool equipped with omnichannel facilities. The software extends a whole new platform dedicated to e-commerce. 

Omnichannel platforms offer flexibility when it comes to working on multiple channels. Omnisend, therefore, allows you to work on multiple channels under the same automation system. 

You can add Facebook Messenger, emails, push notifications, etc., within your workflow. And customers can choose whichever channel they prefer to receive updates and messages. 

Some of the notable features of Omnisend include:

  • Offers a free basic plan for email marketing. 
  • Premium plans are divided into three categories, and you can choose any of the three depending on their features. 
  • The automation powers of Omnisend are exemplary
  • Creation of workflows, pop-ups, landing pages, emails, and push notifications can be crafted and targeted easily via Omnisend. 
  • It offers a variety of pre-saved templates that eases up designing procedures. 

Atomic Reach 

Atomic Reach is a powerful marketing automation tool specially designed to manage blog-based content. Atomic Reach is an AI-fueled marketing automation tool that analyses blog content and rates its performance on the Internet. 

It can help you address problems with your content that you did not know you even had to begin with. Atomic Reach can help you optimize your blog content with the following features:

  • It can give you pointers on the readability and engaging tone of your content. 
  • It can provide word replacements and sentence rephraser, suggestions, etc., to eliminate any kind of writing intricacies. 
  • Atomic Reach goes through your content entirely and then scales it down on various parameters that total up to form an Atomic Score. 
  • Contents scoring high on atomic scores are considered to be the most appropriate material for online content. 
  • Moreover, it also offers you writing advice and suggestions to increase your atomic grade. 

HubSpot Marketing Hub

HubSpot Marketing Hub is the most recognizable name in the marketing tool automation structure. HubSpot is famously referred to as the hub of customer engagement dashboard. 

It is a powerful marketing tool with top-tier applications in sales, marketing, customer management, and CRM. 

HubSpot is one of those few marketing automation tools that offer SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) facilities for your content alongside social media handling and advertising. 

Some of the best features of HubSpot are as follows:

  • It offers accessible CRM facilities. 
  • Marketing sales handling and customer support services are free of cost, which paves the way for several startups to streamline their marketing approach and strategies. 
  • The paid features offer even more significant benefits that massive and reputed companies can use for their marketing purposes. 

All in all, HubSpot integrates a variety of different tools into a single platform that makes marketing automation almost effortless for companies. 


Terminus is yet another marketing automation tool created for ABM marketing. Terminus targets clients using ads, emails, web, and even messages. 

Terminus ideally detects your potential clients and then triggers ads to their systems through channels. It is the best tool to orchestrate, organize, manage, and measure your campaign’s success. 

Although Terminus is a premium automation tool, it offers free trials for testing purposes. You can avail of the free trial to check if the software works in your favor. Taking into account the costing perspective of software, Terminus is more likely to be suitable for big and average scale businesses. 


ActiveCampaign is a small business CRM software that functions on email marketing. Some of the most critical features of ActiveCampaign include:

  • Customized marketing automation strategies 
  • Email marketing 
  • Campaigns that run with dynamic content 
  • Segmented on basic and advanced logic 
  • It offers a comprehensive solution 
  • Equipped with intelligent email content

However, there is one downside to ActiveCampaign. It is that it requires advanced technical support, and any organization with low technical expertise cannot harbor this software. The tool is highly powerful, and that is why it takes time to train yourself or your team to learn it. Companies with a stable technical team can effortlessly use the tool to its best value. 

Seventh Sense 

Seventh Sense, as the name, suggests works around marketing prospects. It tries to send out marketing emails at the right time. 

Seventh Sense figures out when a potential customer or a prospect is going to operate their emails and will most likely respond to your requests or mails. It collects user data based on their previous interactions. 

It also integrates with other marketing automation tools like Market and HubSpot to offer a wide range of services. 

Lucky Orange 

If you really want honest results regarding the usability of your SaaS company website, then you should definitely try Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange provides reports on how far down your website do users scroll, do users actually consume your website’s content, and which webpage among your entire website is the most visited. 

Gaining honest performance reviews on such things proves to be a massive help. As of now, you can edit your content according to the likes and wants of users. This way, you will improve your engagement rates and online reach at a substantially faster rate. 


MailChimp is another email marketing automation tool with intelligent marketing and email solutions. 

Mailchimp is known for the following notable features:

  • Personalized email marketing 
  • Engagement monitoring 
  • Targeting behavior of potential clients and customers 
  • Email marketing automation etc. 

It offers the best possible platform for integrating your important customers and business. 


Drift is known to assist SaaS business websites and marketing via a chat feature. It tracks down visitors and converts them into business leads. 

It uses personalization features that help transform leads into customers and unpaid customers into premium users. This is why Drift is regarded as the most powerful tool in modern-day SaaS business marketing. 

Drift engages customers through conversational engines, which work as the best platform for customer care services. Its workflow is interactive, advanced, analytical, and practical, making it an exceptional tool in the tool automation market. 

5 Best Marketing Automation Tools

S.NoSoftware NameDownload LinksCompatible with
2OmnisendOmnisendFacebook Messenger, emails, push notifications
3Atomic ReachAtomic Reach
4HubSpot Marketing HubHubSpot Marketing HubCRM, SEO, social media
5TerminusTerminusAds, emails, web, messages

The choices for marketing automation tools are seamless. There are no limits to your choices but choosing the right tool is the foundation of your entire marketing structure. The cost of set up, application, and maintenance makes a lot of difference in the budget; therefore, you should opt for the tools judiciously. Explore SaaSworthy to find the right tool for you.


Saurabh is a seasoned SaaS writer with over five years of experience in the field. He holds a PMP certification, showcasing his proficiency in project management. Saurabh is an alumnus of XLRI and has collaborated with renowned publishers in the industry, contributing valuable insights and knowledge to the SaaS community

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