In the past few years, cybersecurity has evolved a lot, with new trends emerging on a fairly regular basis. In order to ensure that their businesses are up to date on their cyber defense strategies, it is vital for SMBs to be aware of these trends and stay on top of them. Protecting your business against cyberattacks has become one of the top goals in this day and age, where cyberattacks have become quite prevalent. 

Businesses of all sizes, from large to medium to small, are on the radar of cyber criminals and hackers, so it is important to be aware of the key trends and implement them within your business to safeguard your data and privacy. In this post, we will take a look at the top three trends that businesses, especially SMBs, should watch out for to deal with the future of cybersecurity.

Source: Reciprocity

Based on forecasts by Gartner, a leading global IT research firm, the top three trends to watch out for are:

  • Insider Risk Management Programs
  • Zero Trust Adoption
  • Cybersecurity Mesh to Improve Security Posture

Read on to find out in detail about these three trends.

1. Insider Risk Management Programs

Today, about 10\% of midsize businesses have adopted a formal program to manage insider risk, and based on Gartner’s forecast, it is believed that this number will rise to 50\% by 2025. In many of organizations, employee negligence or error has been determined to be a major cause of failure in cybersecurity. This means that even if you have strong and robust cybersecurity in place, it can be compromised due to the employee’s negligence. 

In order to deal with this insider threat, most of SMBs are expected to adopt a formal risk management program which will help them in early detection and prevent theft or loss of data. Here are some tips that you can follow to build a successful insider risk management program.

  • Enhance your security training and build a more robust training catalog for the employees. Provide them with training sessions on cybersecurity and how it is linked to the success and safety of your business. Ensure that these security awareness training programs are carried out periodically. Also, in instances where data policies are violated, immediate corrective and preventive sessions should be conducted.
  • Involve leaders, HR, and legal teams to stress the importance of data security and privacy. This will also make it easier to hold people accountable for their actions.
  • Enhance your insider risk program using various tools like risk management, employee training, data loss prevention, etc.
  • Try to roll out the program in a phased manner so that the employees are not burdened with too much information and training sessions at the same time. This will also ensure that your operations run smoothly.

2. Zero Trust Adoption

The recent pandemic has led to a hybrid working model where most of the employees remote work at least two or three days a week. This hybrid and remote working has increased cloud access, thus, creating potential vulnerabilities. A Zero Trust strategy is a great option to overcome this threat. It is a security strategy that authenticates users, both internal and external, and provides them with the exact amount of authorization required to access their business resources. 

Although the term zero implies no trust, that is not the case here. What this strategy does is allows access to a company’s digital assets only after verifying, irrespective of whether the access request is from internal employees or external resources. 

Government agencies like the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have also recommended zero-trust strategies. Here are some tips that SMBs can follow to adopt zero trust.

  • Increase your security layers by implementing multifactor authentication (MFA), especially for insiders and outsiders requesting remote access to your business resources and digital assets.
  • Based on their potential impact on your business, determine which are your most valuable digital assets and data and prioritize your security efforts so that you can deal with them in the best possible way in case they are compromised.
  • Conduct regular training sessions to train your associates on the various zero-trust security strategies.
  • Review and update your security policies and access controls on a regular basis so that they are aligned with your zero-trust strategies.

3. Cybersecurity Mesh to Improve Security Posture

A consolidated Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture (CSMA) offers a common, integrated security structure. It has been slowly gaining popularity as more businesses adopt it to secure their cloud, data, and on-premise assets. This cybersecurity mesh connects various security tools that can work with each and share information. This results in better detection, efficient responses, reliable security policies, focused access control, etc. All in all, it boosts your complete cybersecurity.

It also helps in eliminating security and identity management architectures and boosts the adoption of zero-trust strategies. Businesses that adopt CSMA can reduce the impact of several security threats, such as phishing attacks, malware, ransomware, etc.

Below are some tips that SMBs can follow for adopting CSMA.

  • Review your current security set-up and built-in features and adopt security tools that can be seamlessly integrated with them to best meet your cybersecurity needs. 
  • Stay ahead of emerging threats by investing in threat intelligence technologies that use data analysis that will also help in improving your cybersecurity posture.
  • CSMA involves four main areas – collecting and analyzing threat information, managing system access, having reliable security policies, and monitoring your security progress. Make sure that you equally invest in all of these four areas in order to have a robust security plan in place.
  • Take advantage of all-in-one cybersecurity platforms, which are helpful in managing and handling multiple tasks simultaneously. This is a great option to quick start your CSMA journey.

Apart from these top three trends, you can also keep an eye out for other trends like credential phishing, usage of AI, machine learning, and other technologies by hackers, quantum computing, and more. 


Cybersecurity is constantly evolving, and there are new trends emerging on a regular basis to meet the demands of companies who wish to make their businesses more safe and more secure. It is important that you adopt these trends as soon as possible to avoid falling victim to hackers and cybercriminals. Also, keep an eye out for emerging trends that will suit and protect your business. We hope these trends help you to better combat your cyber attacks and keep your business resources and data safe and secure.

We recommend you check out SaaSworthy, where you can find information about several useful software, such as Data-Centric Security Software, Secure Email Gateway Software, Encryption Software, and more.

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