You’ve probably heard that the search engine optimization (SEO) environment is constantly changing. It’s true! In the wake of Google rolling out new updates on its algorithms, Bing upgrading its algorithms for search results, and a host of other factors. You require up-to-date SEO information to be aware of how to keep your site relevant to your search engine.

What is SEO?

What Is SEO and How Important Is It for Small Business?
Source: Sitechecker

Search engine optimization (SEO) is optimizing websites to make them more visible in Google searches to increase website traffic and the site’s visibility. SEO’s principal goal is to boost a site’s position within the Google SERP (search engine result pages). SEO can be classified into two major categories: off-page SEO and on-page SEO.

On-page SEO is the term used to describe all measures implemented directly on the site to increase its position within the results of search engines. This could include improving the quality of meta descriptions and title tags.

On the other hand, off-page SEO refers to all methods taken off the website to alter its appearance on search engine result pages. That’s why we’ve made the top 10 SEO statistics and facts in 2022. Let’s have a look.

SEO Statistics & Facts in 2022

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, may be difficult to understand. But, it’s not difficult to gain valuable insight into your work by analyzing the most critical data for your company.

Here is the crucial SEO information you should be aware of if you’re hoping to get higher rankings in search results and increase your traffic.

  • Fifty-seven percent of business leaders say that developing content on-page is the most efficient SEO strategy.
  • The first five pages of Google search results are rated with 67.60 percent of clicks. 91\% of website pages will not receive any natural traffic through Google because they do not have backlinks.
  • The primary signals Google uses to rank websites are quality content and link building.
  • Two hundred factors are used to rank signals by Google’s algorithm for search.
  • 75\% of web users never get past the first result page results.
  • The first position in Google results has the benefit of a CTR of 34.36 percent.
  • 55.24 percent of the pages on an online site don’t have one backlink.

General SEO Statistics in 2022.

Longtail keywords are a great way to increase click-through rates (CTR)

This research reveals that longtail keywords have three times the CTR on organic results than organic titles that contain just 1 or 2 terms in the titles.

On average, companies with an effective marketing plan allocate 41 percent of their budgets towards SEO

Attracted by the ongoing and long-lasting advantages of the SEO strategy, companies are investing more than ever to boost their business’s visibility via organic search. This amount is predicted to increase to over 45\% by 2022.

Are you concerned about how much time and effort your competitors invest in their Search Engine Optimization strategies?

The most recent research suggests that businesses spend more than $ 1,000 monthly on link building to increase and maintain their positions on search results pages. With the growing SEO awareness, companies at the top of search engine rankings strive to maintain their position by adding relevant, new hyperlinks to their sites every month.

50\% of organic queries contain at least four words or more words

This is crucial to ensure that websites make the most of longtail keywords. Longtail keywords are essential for website traffic and have higher conversion rates than general search queries.

“Where to buy” and “near me” mobile queries have increased by 200\% in the last two years (2022)

Google users are known to include the phrase “near me” search when they’re searching for. What they’re looking for is:

  • “Restaurant Near Me.”
  • “Petrol Station Near Me.”
  • “Where can I buy Electronics Near Me.”
  • “Cafe Near Me.”

Over the past five years, the number of users with a “near me” category has increased by more than 500 percent. In a world where over half of all search results originate from smartphones, Users are searching for an answer in their local area to their issues.

In 2022, small companies will be able to attract the local market through a complete regional SEO strategy that targets people who are highly motivated and local to the area.

80\% of customers are looking for online reviews about small-scale businesses in the area

There’s no question about it. Local users are amazed by reviews and judge the worth and worth of a business by reading reviews from independent sources. 

Online reviews are an excellent opportunity to display an established history of happy customers—the overwhelming majority of customers admitted reviewing reviews before engaging with local businesses. 

Positive, honest reviews by satisfied customers create confidence in potential customers. Social proof is an effective method of establishing credibility for your potential customers.

30\% of Google searches on mobile devices contain an address

The most recent SEO data have shown that more than 1/3 of search results that originate from smartphones mention an address. This shocking SEO data underscores the importance of having a Local SEO strategy that targets the local market, which is highly lucrative.

The maximum load time for mobile devices will be 5 seconds

Regarding SEO, speed matters; the most recent SEO data, compiled in 2022, shows that mobile websites that take more than five seconds to load experience a 70 percent lower mobile session rate compared to sites that load in less than five seconds.

According to Google, a one-second delay can result in a 20 percent decrease in conversion. If you’re contemplating improving your website’s speed, This is one of the SEO stats you should not ignore.

Google currently has over 85\% of the market for search engines

To win in SEO, you must adhere to Google’s rules. Being ranked high within Yahoo or Bing will attract visitors to your website, but those who rank on Google will probably receive the most business.

Utilizing Google Search Console can aid you in understanding how visitors are currently contacting you via Google search results.

55\% of households will likely have a smart speaker by 2022

Imagine you didn’t think of optimizing your content for voice searches prior. Voice searches are also more effective with more colloquial terms. If that’s the situation, it is recommended to use intelligent speaker devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home. 

Amazon Echo and Google Home are staples in the homes of many families.

Find keywords used in everyday conversation, and compare them to how people input into Google.


This is more SEO-related stats than you could poke an object at. The data-backed statistics on search engine optimization and trends will aid you in making informed choices regarding the future SEO campaign.

Understanding your target market is essential to understanding what’s needed for you to be on page 1 and placed on the search results page.

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Hello, I'm Sai. I'm a freelance writer and blogger. I write unique and researched-based content on Saas products, online marketing, and much more. I'm constantly experimenting with new methods and staying current with the latest Saas updates. I'm also the founder and editor at Bowl of Wellness, where I share my latest recipes and tips for living a healthy lifestyle. You can read more at Bowl of Wellness -