We develop our thought-leadership forecasts and trends yearly to help brands’ marketing, content, and marketing teams decide where to put their bets for the upcoming year.

By 2022 the globe has adapted to the new reality. Changes that impact businesses are already in place; however, there still needs to be more doubt regarding how thought leadership and content strategies will evolve in the years ahead. We want to provide more certainty when we present our top five ways to develop a B2B thought marketing strategy that will lead in 2022. Let’s get going.

What is Thought Leadership?

Thought leadership
Source: Brandyourself

The concept of thought leadership is a way to apply to content that companies use to inform their target public about their business, provide valuable information, and establish credibility for themselves. A thought-leadership marketing strategy can include blog articles, ebooks, videos, reports, and social media sharing podcasts, webinars, or even conferences. It’s a strategy for the long run because it takes time to create, promote, and be appreciated by the public.

Once you’ve established yourself by others as an authority, your clients, competitors, and your industry will see your name as a thought leadership brand or leader. Your brand will gain recognition, increase leads, boost social proof, and increase customer engagement. American Express is an excellent example of creating an image through thought leadership. What is a great sample of a brand that has benefited from the power of thought?

In 2007 American Express launched OPEN Forum to help small-scale business owners with insight, suggestions, and connections for growing their businesses. Originating as an online forum, OPEN Forum is now an essential resource for entrepreneurs to exchange ideas and share knowledge. Also, it’s American Express’ number one source of leads for new cardholders. This makes American Express the leader in their field. Let’s have a look.

What are Think Leaders?

The top thought leaders are described as experts in their fields. They can be CEOs, writers, consultants, authors, coaches, or even business owners (B2C and B2B).

Thought leaders typically correspond with the following qualities:

  • The need to pass on their knowledge to other people
  • The capability to think out of the box
  • Experience
  • Knowledge
  • Transparency
  • A strong opinion

Top 5 Methods to Create a B2B Leadership Marketing Strategy in 2022

The thinking leadership strategy for 2022 is an all-encompassing, multi-executive plan that leverages the skills of every team member to form the overall.

Do you not know where to start? Take a look at five actions you can use to develop an effective strategy for thought leadership in 2022.

1. Set Your Goals

The first step of any strategy is to determine the goals you wish to accomplish by establishing yourself as a thought leader. To accomplish this, review your current marketing goals and think about how thought leadership could assist you in achieving each goal if it can. If you want to increase the profile of your company and the solutions it offers. In that scenario, a thought leadership piece on accessibility issues facing the consumers of your particular industry, for instance, will help you gain consumers’ attention.

2. Integrate the key foundations of your brand’s products and values, and know your customers

A crucial aspect of this process is clearly defining your target audience. They ought to be aligned with your customer persona(s). However, it would help if you considered who would benefit the most from your ideas. Remember that your audience may not always be your customers but could expand to potential customers. For example, are you seeking to connect directly with other chief executives? Purchasing decision-makers? Marketing managers? It would help if you aimed to reach a larger audience that will aid in spreading awareness about your business, be part of your network and become brand ambassadors.

Clarify the essential knowledge, skills, mindset, and workflow required to fulfill the goals you defined in step one. What are the primary components of your brand, and how do they work together to form a cohesive and well-functioning structure that can achieve the highest level of excellence? Keep in mind that the individual created your business. It was an entire team. If we rely too much on one aspect that we are relying on, we overlook vital information.

We had a chance to bring an advisor that was an authority on raising capital. While this consultant did an excellent job of helping us do this, they could not help me when it was time to utilize the money we’d recently raised to grow. We needed assistance in HR, training software, training, and many other things. Although the consulting consultant had a deep knowledge of one of the critical success elements, I lacked many other pillars. We don’t offer one pillar on its own Each piece of content you publish must build on the previous one and then pass the baton on to your next. Any thought leadership that isn’t integrated with content won’t make an impact and provide a global perspective. But this doesn’t mean there’s no place for it—an opportunity for niche content. A market always wants to be exposed to the latest information. But, we need to combine every niche into a coherent branding strategy to create a comprehensive and effective thinking leadership strategy for 2022. Each pillar can have its swimming track, but you have to explain to your viewers how each one can be integrated into the pool.

Software data companies in our earlier model will have pillars to provide insight into data sanitation, data organization, and speed in identifying great employees and the culture, user experience, marketing and security procurement, management, and revenue strategies to sustain the business. These quality pillars will each meet the needs of some or all of your target audiences. When in sync, it will give confidence and a sense of belonging to your leaders and the organization.

3. Create a structured schedule of leadership.

Once you’ve identified your goals, pillars, and spokespeople, organize a thought leadership content calendar. A calendar will enable both you and the team members to make more informed decisions in thinking direction. Plan your content to ensure that every content is connected and creates a picture that guides your readers through a continuous expansion path. Your calendar could show connections between the content of one executive with another executive.

Then it continues, and the picture of excellence is drawn, and the logical thought leadership is displayed to anyone who wants to follow. After you have determined your goals, pillars and spokespeople, create a planned thought schedule for leadership content. A calendar can help everyone in your group members to be more deliberate in their thinking direction. Plan your content so that every piece is linked and creates a whole image that leads your viewers through a continuous expansion process.

Your calendar will show the associations between an executive’s and another executive’s content. Then it continues, and the image of excellence is drawn, and the logical thought of leadership is portrayed to anyone who wishes to emulate it.

4. Find those Key Executives.

Choose the most knowledgeable and experienced executives within each pillar to serve as the primary spokesperson for the campaign. Choose a reputable executive with vast knowledge at the helm of every piece of thought leadership you release. It would also be beneficial if you could get the top executives together and the top management so that they understand they’re part of the same team and benefit from each other’s experience when they create content.

With the above pillars, thought leadership inputs are likely to be made by CMO, CEO CMO, CIO, Chief People Officer, Chief Procurement Officer or variants from these positions.

Consider who has the broadest range of knowledge on each pillar. Name them in your idea-driven strategy.

5. Examine what is happening with your competitors.

Every company wants to be an influential brand, but most fail. There are many reasons; however, one of the most common is that they produce content widely covered elsewhere or duplicate the content but do not mention their perspective. They invest a lot of energy in thinking but ignore the leadership. If you repeat what’s been said by your competition (or any other expert), then you’re not thinking leadership.

Remember that to become an authority in your field; you must lead. This is why you should take the time to research your competitors thoroughly to understand your target market.

What topics are they discussing? What type of content are they creating? What frequency and where are they publishing? Are there any gaps in their posts?

How do you make your content unique if you are trying to address the same subject?

Examining published content within your industry will allow you to discover the gaps, be inspired, and generate new concepts for your content marketing strategy.


We build value to be a leader in the competitive market of thought leadership. The most effective strategy for beating the competition is focus, design, and teamwork. We’re not sure what 2023’s future will be in the future, yet we do know that there are always questions answered and leaders to consider.

So, get your team together, get back to basics, and begin with my steps below. Once you’ve reached the fifth step, you could be regarded as the face of your industry.

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Hello, I'm Sai. I'm a freelance writer and blogger. I write unique and researched-based content on Saas products, online marketing, and much more. I'm constantly experimenting with new methods and staying current with the latest Saas updates. I'm also the founder and editor at Bowl of Wellness, where I share my latest recipes and tips for living a healthy lifestyle. You can read more at Bowl of Wellness - https://bowlofwellness.com/