Only 11 percent of consumers agree with marketers’ 44 percent belief that product recommendations based on prior preferences are essential. But it’s crucial to understand that marketing isn’t a game of chance. It isn’t sufficient to simply imagine yourself in your customer’s position for a short period of time. One of the finest ways to really understand your customers is through thorough, continuing market research. One-on-one discussions, whether over the phone, Skype, or over a cup of coffee, are frequently the most successful ways to understand your target market. I advise starting with this if you’re conducting market research.
Unfortunately, this method takes a lot of time and is not suitable for gathering huge amounts of data. Online market research can help you round out the data you’ve gathered through one-on-one conversations, and it’s a terrific approach to developing your client profiles.
The websites, tools, and methods that have been found to be the most successful when conducting online market research on a specific niche will be covered in length in this article.
Table of Contents
Keyword Research
Not only is keyword research important for SEO. “Market research is what it is at its core. It exposes the exact language people use when they think about certain issues, giving you insight into how to engage with them via your blog. It also tells you what people are interested in and in what relative numbers.
Here are some pointers to aid with your keyword research:
- Be mindful of the search intention. Knowing what individuals search for while using a given phrase is crucial because searchers employ keywords for a variety of reasons.
- Consider the overall picture. Don’t get caught up in the specifics of each keyword. Instead, move backward. What patterns do you notice? What do people look for online? What is important to them?
- Keep keyword difficulty in mind. The tougher it is to rank for a keyword, the higher the percentage.
One of the most effective methods for gathering client feedback is through surveys. You have plenty of choices. Only a few of them are included here.
Using an app like Qualaroo, you may add a brief pop-up poll to the bottom of your website, which is becoming an increasingly popular survey strategy. This is excellent for verifying your target market hypothesis or testing ideas for product improvements. Once more, remember to make things brief. When you limit your pop-up surveys to one question, they are most effective.
Online market research is a great use for tools like SurveyMonkey. Regular polls, quizzes, and surveys are all possible. The link can then be shared on social media, emailed to people on your mailing list, posted on your blog, and used in mobile chat.
Alchemer, formerly known as SurveyGizmo, targets customers who “have outgrown SurveyMonkey.” It offers business feedback and market-leading survey tools. You can access up to three surveys with a free account, while personal “Collaborator” accounts start at $49 per month.
Quora is a wonderful site to conduct market research since it encourages in-depth discussions about a variety of subjects, including social media, businesses, even ethnic junk food. When you enter a term or phrase associated with your product in the search bar, Quora returns a broad list of discussions, at least some of which show how your target market is thinking about issues associated with your business.
Blog Comments
There are a few methods for conducting research using blog comments. Reading through the comments on a popular blog article with many comments can help you understand the main problems facing your target market.
Darren Rowse, a businessman and wildly popular writer, regularly receives hundreds of comments on his blog entries. By including a call to action at the end of each of his articles, he urges readers to add value and significance to these remarks.
Progressive Profiling on your Forms
If you have a successful content marketing plan and regular visitors come to your site to download content, you might be able to apply progressive profiling. A market research technique called progressive profiling enables companies to gradually learn more about their customers. In one form, you can inquire about their interests; in another, you would inquire about their employment.
Businesses can build a thorough picture of their clients and their interests by gradually requesting more information. Then, you may use this information to produce more precise and successful marketing efforts.
Over time, you gather enough information to create a thorough portrait of your subscriber or client, concentrating on details that allow you to establish more meaningful connections with them. To get the most out of your market research, keep in mind to focus on developing products that are better or more closely aligned with customer needs.
Website of your Rivals
Another great technique to figure out what matters to your target market is to examine your competitors’ online copy and blog content. Of course, there’s no guarantee that the messaging of your rivals is supported by in-depth research. However, recurring themes in the copy and blog posts on your rivals’ websites can guide you in the right direction.
Invest in Research and Data.
There are many free ways to perform internet market research, but occasionally you’ll want to spend some money to save time and acquire a complete set of data., as the name suggests, compensates testers for their input on goods and services. collaborates with several industries, such as e-commerce and healthcare, and provides a variety of services, such as user experience research and usability testing.
When Internet functionality is limited, a mobile kiosk can also be used to collect data for surveys. This functionality is offered by QuestionPro, which also supports a wide range of additional techniques for getting feedback from responders, like SMS. G2 recognizes QuestionPro as a top survey software because it makes it simple for customers to design surveys.
Toluna has bought the market research firm GutCheck. The organization assists companies in understanding their clients, developing products that meet customer demand, and designing promotional materials that are most likely to appeal to their niche market.
Furthermore, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your brand, look for methods to improve your product or service, validate new product concepts, identify client segments, and test advertising ideas.
Tools for Free Market Research
Last but not least, you can perform research using a number of free tools for market research.
Think with Google
Using Google’s Think Google provides information about consumer product research. Likewise, U.S. Data and Statistics disseminates official statistics, including demographic information for specific cities, states, and nations.
The Census Bureau’s website also provides access to census data, and its Quick Facts. Microsite provides you with important demographic information about each of the 50 states.
Make My Persona
Are you curious as to who your ideal client is? Knowing who you’re selling to is one of the finest strategies to target your niche, as every marketer should be aware. You must develop a persona or avatar for your market research, and Hubspot’s free Make My Persona tool makes this process simpler by allowing you to do so in just seven simple steps.
It’s easy to learn more about your customer: just ask them. You could carry out your market research in a variety of ways, such as through focus groups and questionnaires. As an alternative, you can examine your rivals’ comment sections or use cost-free resources to find trending themes, including Google Trends. However, conducting market research shouldn’t be a one-time task when developing your marketing strategy; rather, it should be an essential step in both the creation of your marketing strategy and of your product. To know more about it, connect with SaaSworthy.