Obtaining the first 100 customers is undoubtedly a challenging task for any B2B SaaS Startup. B2B entrepreneurs fail to recognize that commercial success requires consistency, which does not come immediately. This is why 90% of startups fail in their first few years. Everything a business owner needs to know about getting their first 100 customers for a B2B SaaS firm will be explained in this article.

Best ways for getting Customers for your B2B SaaS Startup

B2B SaaS Startup
Source: Gainsight

Startups do not have a business if they do not have buyers. It’s common to see startups are frightened of selling that they never get their first customer. They spend all of their time creating a website or designing a logo and none of their time prospecting. Logos and websites are necessary, and individuals must portray themselves professionally. However, getting customers is more vital in the beginning. Here are a few tried-and-true methods for acquiring the first ten consumers. 

  • Begin by spreading the news among every network.
  • Begin blogging and make use of the companies’ relationships to disseminate the message as widely as possible.
  • Find out who the competitors are and what they’re up to.
  • Introduce brand-new, intriguing products.
  • Consider digital marketing as an option.
  • Attend events such as conferences and meetings.
  • Customers should be treated like royalty.
  • Visit the incubators in the local area.
  • Make use of social media.
  • As much as possible, promote the company.

10 Best ways to get the first 100 Customers for the B2B SaaS Startup

Every B2B startup faces a difficult struggle in obtaining their first 100 customers. So, here are the top 10 ways how to gain a B2B SaaS startup’s first 100 customers.

Make the most out of affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing allows startups to reach out to already successful organizations in their sector and gain access to their audience. Established enterprises will show off the startup’s product to the vast audience that they have amassed on their own. And this will give the firm rapid access to a large audience in exchange for a percentage of the conversion amount paid to the affiliate marketers.

Leverage social media

Making a nice social media presence for your b2b startup is the most profitable thing you can do for it. There is no doubt that social media will attract clients because it is one of the largest and most affordable marketing tools available today. So, the marketing of B2B startup will be very much helpful. Finally, after the client is convinced that the company’s products are worthwhile, they will become the customers. And the best approach to persuade them is to use appealing, eye-catching social media ads.

The best thing to do is to establish a social media presence for the company on all platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, and TikTok. This is because each of these platforms has its own set of advantages that a company may utilize. And the larger the audience that the company can reach, the better the odds of quickly acquiring the first 100 b2b customers.

Obtain customer information

Users can obtain vital data like their company’s name and email address with only a simple poll using platforms like SurveyMonkey. The survey might be as easy as asking if they require a product to address a problem they are now experiencing. If the users are on the correct track, they will not hesitate to say yes and share their information.

However, before entrepreneurs send out the survey, they must first understand their customer’s persona. Through their social media profiles, these personas would assist them in compiling a list of actual clients. A simple activity to do this would be to create an ideal customer profile. Then they can send out their survey over any or all of the communication channels once they’ve completed all of the appropriate preparations.

Search for an online tribe

After a b2b startup has launched, they should look for their internet tribe in whatever manner they can. It starts locating the people who will be interested in their items or who sell things that are similar to theirs. They’ll learn a lot by networking with folks who are already successful in their product field. They will be able to provide the startup with a wealth of beneficial advice that can be implemented to get better outcomes and attract new clients. Discover the communities of the startup’s ideal customers and join their tribe. Then attempt to fit in as much as possible, and users will learn exactly what the customers want. Startups can find their community in places like Reddit, Quora, Product Hunt, Growth hackers, Saas growth hackers, etc.

Start with the business network

The easiest approach to determine whether a company’s product is worth purchasing for a consumer is to look at its current network. The company must begin by developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and distributing it to their network for testing. If a company is developing a product for a specific niche, they likely know a lot of people in that area.

Sending the MVP to the network for comments is a way to start. Then, before the company launches its product, work on the client feedback. The likelihood is that the first group of clients will come from their network. Once they’ve gotten them, it’s time for the company to start seeking new consumers.

Get the word out

The easiest strategy to generate leads and grow the customer base is to talk about startups’ businesses whenever they go. Spreading the word in one’s network is a good place to start. Share their B2B startup’s top features and let everyone know what their company is all about. It would be ideal if startups also allowed customers to try out their items to obtain feedback. A B2B startup’s success is dependent on feedback.

Collaborate with YouTube and Social Media influencers

Partnering with influencers is another terrific and simple strategy to gain the first 100 customers for a B2B SaaS firm. Owners might collaborate with a strong influencer who has large followers to promote their items. Both the owner and the influencer benefit from influencer partnerships, and the promotion is quick and easy. As a result, there is no flaw in the method’s success. After all, social media is now one of the world’s top and most cost-effective marketing channels. People are eager to follow the counsel of their favorite influencers, and the startups can take this advantage. However, the owner must ensure that the influencer has a genuine following rather than paid numbers, which is a major issue nowadays.

Use blogs to promote your business

If the startup has a good viewership, they can count on their blogs which increases their audience. It suggests that the audience is already invested in their work. They might make use of this occasion to market and present their B2B startup. In this manner, all of their viewers who might be interested in their products will be aware of their company, and their b2b customer base will grow. Getting their first 100 business-to-business customers will become easy.

Organize giveaways

People adore getting free items and are drawn to it even if they only see the word “free.” As a result, as a b2b startup, the owner can take advantage of this. While giving away free items may not appeal to businesses, it may appeal to the consumer. However, as a B2B startup, the key goal is to get as many individuals as possible to support the firm and its product. If the product is a SaaS, it would be a fantastic idea to let people test it for free so that they can see how wonderful it is. Offering a free SaaS trial is becoming a requirement for all B2B firms nowadays. Offering a free trial is one of the most effective ways for B2B companies to gain customers quickly.

Make the most of your outreach efforts

Companies are using content marketing as one of their most effective inbound marketing methods these days. Startups can operate their blogs on the most relevant issues in their industry. They can, however, reach out to the other websites for guest posts in addition to creating blogs in-house. As a result, this allows owners to use the sales generated by those websites for their gain. Maintain a reasonable yet consistent objective for guest posting. Developing strong relationships with site owners can promote the blogs of startups. Content marketing is a method that has aided excellent companies such as HubSpot and KISSmetrics.


B2B startups are becoming popular because of the large audience and client base available on the internet. The ease with which a business can be started is also a significant benefit of B2B. 90% of startups fail at first because of impatient behavior or inconsistent efforts. Entrepreneurs can obtain better results in their B2B company by following the above tips discussed in the article.

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