When it comes to Google and social media, the finest search features must compete to survive. The idea that social networks are the new search engine has been around for a while.

Many people now turn directly to social media websites instead of Google since they have already significantly altered the search landscape. TikTok or Instagram are the first places that young people (aged 18 to 24) look when looking for things like a location to have lunch. This tendency is likely to change Google’s primary search and discovery functions over time.

You’ll want to stand out in both the SERPs and on social networks as the relationship between search and social media deepens.

Can Creating Social Media Websites Help with SEO?

Social Networks
Source: Workingeeks

It does, of course. I don’t say yes just because I’ve been successful in combining SEO with social media magic. It is due to what it has accomplished for so many other people. There are social media platforms available for every niche and objective. Searching within a social network can therefore be quicker and produce the best results. In quick Google searches for a brand, branded terms are front and centre alongside social media activity. Users are drawn to social media posts, which can have a greater impact on their searches and keep them connected in real time. You may rank higher in the SERPs as user search intent shifts more and more toward visual content. These social signals are seen by Google, who can then index them. Thus, your brand’s positioning in the SERPs may be impacted by your social media strategy.

When the users find you through the usage of keywords, all eyes are on your content. Thanks to mobile apps and site settings, customers are using keywords more frequently in social media posts. So, be active on social media and Google. The people watching you want to see you in action. Similar to SEO, social media attracts new clients and gives you the opportunity to explain who you are and why they should stick with your business. The key is quality (and quality links, for sure). You can stand out on social media by producing informative, high-quality material for your audience. You can benefit greatly by disseminating your material on numerous social media platforms. If you provide valuable, engaging material, your audience is likelier to share your posts with friends and followers.

However, which social media platforms will make you stand out from your rivals? Everything depends on what you want to achieve.

What Social Media has the Best Google Performance?

You may achieve your social media objectives to the fullest extent by learning which social networks rank highest in Google. You are not required to use every social networking platform. These social networks are utilized by Google and other search engines in their search results. We concentrated on the prominence of social networks in Google search engine results pages (SERPs) and how much of the SERPs they take up.

Only YouTube receives more traffic in the United States than Facebook. An estimated 85.6 million keywords are in the Facebook keyword universe. Although most of their traffic was from navigational categories, most of their keywords were informational. This indicates that they receive more traffic from users searching for a certain website or page, which makes sense given that the service is designed to assist users in finding social profiles with shared interests.

Instagram receives a lot of traffic from Americans (439.6 million). They currently have 1.5 million keywords in their keyword universe. The vast majority of their keywords and the traffic they generated were similarly informational. Why does that matter? Most of their results result from individuals looking for knowledge-based or informational topics.

According to our analysis, YouTube was the most popular social network across all categories. The fact that the majority of their keywords and traffic came from informational inquiries revealed that users of the platform mostly use it to learn about various topics.

Google and Social Media Insights

Each site, on average, received the greatest traffic from informational categories and keyword ranks. Smaller businesses can outperform these established websites by researching and putting an emphasis on commercially relevant keyword types, which are bottom-of-funnel keywords that typically result in conversions.

Despite the fierce rivalry for rich snippets like videos and reviews, there is a chance to overtake these social networks in positions for highlighted snippets like Google’s top articles, FAQs (commonly asked questions), and local packs. Focusing on commercial keyword types is a speedier way for your content to compete when it comes to social media market share in Google, partly because there is less competition.

However, if informational keywords are a crucial component of your SEO strategy, you can still target them. Imagine it as a two-pronged assault. Your website, your primary point of conversion, should be the focal point of your commercial intent keyword strategy. Social media is crucial for spreading knowledge and increasing brand recognition at the same time.

You must modify your keyword approach in light of the fact that social networks predominate among keywords with informational intent. Create educational content on these platforms, then provide a link to your website so visitors may read more or purchase.

How to Choose the Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business

Finding the right social media platform for your company can be difficult with so many to choose from. You are seeking websites for your company that will help you rank highly on SERPs and appear in searches. This is crucial, especially if clients use social media to find out what other clients or industry influencers are saying about them. You must therefore be present where your target audience is online. Similar to a Google search, a social media search returns results for businesses that use keywords to improve their profiles and posts. Thanks to this, users can more easily find their material, and brands can interact with their potential customers.

However, it’s not solely about what other people are doing. Examine your objectives. They influence which social media platforms you should focus on. This is especially true if you want to expand your network and get more visibility. Different social networks offer various benefits. Using Instagram to track social expenditure would be ideal if your objective is to expand into social e-commerce.

Additionally, different social media platforms aim to reach certain audiences. Create material where you can find your target audience by doing some research. Make sure social media specialists are running your online marketing initiatives because maintaining a social media presence requires time and work. It will be simpler if you already have content ideas for your website or know how to reuse content. Use your imagination and your audience’s user-generated material to accomplish your aim of creating a community online.

Keep in mind that visual content is popular, so the more movies and pictures you can employ to pique interest, the better.


Google is still working to fully understand what using visual search results will entail. If you’re debating whether to join more social networks, our data indicate that usage will continue to rise. To draw in your target audience, you must first determine where they hang out online. But knowing which your target market most uses social media platforms is only half the battle. The main way that social media drives traffic is by making your content and brand more visible.

Your social network accounts and YouTube videos also show up in conventional search results on Google and the app. Making them search engine friendly will therefore unquestionably increase your total SEO success. Remember that combined with your SEO strategies, both channels—whether a search on Google or social media—can work to your advantage.

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Shashank is an IT Engineer, specializing in writing about technology and Software as a Service (SaaS) for over four years. His articles have been featured on platforms like HuffPost, CoJournal, and various other websites, showcasing his expertise in simplifying complex tech topics and engaging readers with his insightful and accessible writing style. Passionate about innovation, Shashank continues to contribute valuable insights to the tech community through his well-researched and thought-provoking content.