In this world full of social media posts and Instagram stories, a quality picture is all one actually desires. Clicking a picture and posting it right away is this generation’s new idea of sharing their happiness with their friends online. Clicking pictures on every occasion and then further uploading them right away or sharing them with friends, family, and followers talks tons about the obsession of this generation with virtual social media platforms. However as primary as it is for one to upload pictures, later comes the response received. People tend to expect the maximum number of likes or comments on their pictures. However, sometimes that might be the case.

 There are times when pictures end up getting a bad response and one reason for it could be the resolution and the clarity status of the image uploaded. The quality of the pixels of the image uploaded does play an important role in deciding the intensity of the response. For instance, most of the social media followers with millions of followers or friends recommend using quality images in order to attract a greater audience hence increasing the social media engagement. 

However as said correctly, in order to gain more one needs to spend more i.e. in this case in order to obtain a picture with good resolution and excellent pixels one generally needs to spend long hours not only uploading the picture online but also for the views to view since these high-resolution pictures are large in size and take a lot of processing. 

This long waiting time not only makes the person uploading it restless but also makes the viewer lose interest in the content. Based on a statistical report, an average of 53% of internet users tends to leave the website if it takes more than three to four seconds to load. So what should one do in order to deal with this?  The image optimization software is the answer! Most of the users tend to use this software in order to reduce the image size along with maintaining the resolution and pixels of the image. 

Top 7 Image Optimization Software for Generating High-Quality Images

Below mentioned is a list of a few top image optimization software that works like an absolute charm while working on the creation of creative content.   

Short Pixel

Short pixel is the best-known image optimization software. It is known to be the best suitable image optimizer for Windows. The software not only allows the user to work with multiple images at once but also makes the whole process automated. Hence, making it easier for a new learner to understand the working step by step. Furthermore, the software also provides one with a plug-in that makes the direct integration with the WordPress dashboard way easier. Adding to the same, the software also provides the user with an option of utilizing the ShortPixel command-line tool for effectively optimizing the scheduled tasks, configuring the website history, and optimizing image folders effectively. Talking about various other key features of the software one must pay attention to the chained transformations and high-quality compression that the software provides one with. Further, it also has an auto-backup option which makes sure that the content gets backed up automatically and the data or the image is saved. Advanced effects with flabbergasting filters and unlimited uploads make this software all the more appealing. Optimization reports and chained transformations are yet another add-ons. 

Talking about the price of the same, the software offers a premium plan along with the basic default subscription plan. Further, the software is also available for a free trial before the buyer makes his/her final purchase.

This image optimization software is not only used for basic pictures but is also heavenly used by businesses and individual developers with real-time operational control. It helps the user in effectively managing images on the web. It also provides the user with the basic tools to edit, crop, overlap, and resize images with zero hassle. Along with these basic default tools, the software also provides the user with an option to add a watermark to the picture. The watermark option not only lets the user mark their work but also lets one maintain the exclusivity of the content. The high quality of the content with minimum loading time hypes the company’s SEO and website engagement effectively. Basically, this software is just another image optimization software, it is also a tool to improve the business engagement of the company. Furthermore, it also helps in embedding the image URLs in the posts or the blogs in order to make the tracking easier. It also helps in improving the GTMetrix scores along with personalizing the images for an increased ROI.  Adding to the same, the software further comes with an auto backup option which automatically saves the work. Other important primary features of the software include various pointers like cloud-based storage, in-built analytics, high DPI display, CDN compatibility, and high-quality compression. Furthermore, the software also has the option of privacy controls which lets the user maintain his/ her privacy as per their will and wish. 

Talking about the pricing, the software provides the users with an open hand to customize their subscription plans based on their requirements. Further, the freemium plan also provides them with a free image optimization tool. The basic subscription plan starts at 49$ per month along with a complimentary free trial.

This image optimization software does not only help in maintaining the quality of the image but also helps in speeding up the processing time of the website. It is also very compatible with CDN also called the content distribution network delivery system. This system further enables in concluding effortless business integration along with better image optimization. Further from a business point of view, also provides the user with AI-based image recognition for better SEO engagement along with effective website engagement. It lets the user cut, crop, edit, rotate, crop, edit, and enhance images without any sort of hassle. Further in order to automate the process, one can use the responsive image plugin option as well. Talking about the add-on features the software comes with cloud-based storage and an in-built image analytics feature. The software also provides one with advanced editing features and high-quality compression. The software is also highly compatible with the WebP and JPEG format. Talking about the pricing, the basic subscription plan starts at $29 per month. However, in the freemium plan, the software can also be used as a JPG optimizer. The software also offers a free trial. 

EWWW Image

EWWW image optimizer is one of the best image optimization software. The software is not only highly effective but also has the option of easy WordPress integration. The software lets one edit, cut, crop, resize and enhance images effectively without compromising the quality of the image. Further, the EWWW image optimizer also enhances the website processing time and makes the website easily accessible. Furthermore, from a business point of view this image optimization software also helps in improving one’s SEO engagement. It also adds up to search engine ranking along with the customer conversion rates. Further, it also offers better image compression options in addition to the additional file format which are supported by the software for better input as well as output images. The software also comes with cloud-based storage hence making the storage as well as access easier. Further, the auto backup option saves the user from any trouble. It saves the work automatically and hence is a very useful tool. Further, the software also comes with various other add-ons like high DPI display, WebP file format support, advanced filters, and high-quality compression. Talking about the pricing, the basic subscription plan starts at $5 per month. 


Imagify as the name itself suggests is one of the best image optimization software that lets the user edit as well as compress their desired pictures as per their will and wish. The software not only allows users to fiddle around with the images but also helps in speeding up the website loading time. Further, it also helps in enhancing SEO engagement. It also provides the user with an option to automate the process of image optimization without tampering with the quality of the image. Further, it also lets them predefine the pre-requirements for the website even before the image is actually uploaded. The software also comes with further add-on features like the auto-backup option which saves the work of the user beforehand. It saves the user from any sort of unforeseeable negligence or trouble. Further, the software also comes with a high compatibility format. It is highly compatible in JPG, GIF, and PNG format along with WebP format support. Further various other features like advanced editing options, high DPI display, and intuitive UI. Talking about the pricing aspect, the basic subscription plan comes for $4.16 per month. However, if a person is willing to have a lifetime subscription then the same can also be obtained by buying the one-time license. The software also comes with a free trial. 


Imgix is an effective API integrated image processing software. It comes with an in-built end-to-end image solution. It is not only used for daily purposes but is also a highly used tool in various companies. The software lets the user effectively resize, cut, crop, compress and store web pages. It also lets the user transform as well as optimize the image library efficiently in order to reduce the processing tie of the website; which in turn helps in better response. The software allows a minimum of 100 image edits in real-time. Further, it also helps in utilizing URL parameters and CMS plug-ins for easy and optimum integration. The software also comes with cloud-based storage along with an auto-tagging feature. It also provides the user with a high-quality DPI display and other such advanced image-enhancing features. Talking about the pricing, the basic subscription plan starts at $3 per month wherein the subscriber can easily access up to thousand master images. It also comes with a free trial. The other enhanced subscription plan starts at $500 per month.


TinyIMG is excellent image optimization software and has various tools making the editing process easy to operate. It also helps in enhancing SEO engagement and improving the search engine ranking. Further, the software comes with advanced image editing options, an in-built image analytics feature, and auto backup. The basic subscription plan starts at $0.99 per month.  


As one would have already understood by now that effective image optimization software is not only an option but also a necessity for online businesses. This software helps the users easily optimize large image files without any sort of compromise on the quality of the image. They not only help you showcase your products using high-quality images but also help in hyping the website performance. Quality images on the website and faster loading time not only help the business attract more customers but also make them stay on the website for longer. This in turn helps in increasing the business. All in all a quality image on the official website of a company is not only an invitation to further business but also a promise of effective functioning to the customers.