Are you wondering if it’s worth investing in video-based marketing or video marketing statistics? This article will discuss the most important statistics for the marketing video, which show that it’s the best time to record your first promotional video. We’ll also discuss the advantages of video marketing as well as the latest and upcoming trends in video.

In the end, you’ll be able to comprehend the figures of the online video market and know where you should concentrate your efforts. Let’s get started.

What are Video Marketing Statistics?

Video Marketing Statistics
Source: ImpactPlus

Before we dig into the numbers, Let’s take a short review of some videos you can make to promote your business. The most well-known are explainer videos, which is a short video that describes your products or services. Explaining videos on the home page of a website or an item or landing page is expected.

Other kinds of marketing via video are:

  • Vlogs (video blogs)
  • Video interviews
  • Tutorial videos
  • Videos of presentation
  • Demos of the product and reviews
  • Video testimonials
  • Replays of streams that are life
  • Video ads

Let’s now get into the statistics on video marketing. We’ve chosen to focus on the most recent data from the last year to ensure that you keep your video marketing strategies current.

Benefits of Video Marketing

Video marketing offers businesses looking to attract more customers by offering the following benefits:

  • It mixes audio, visual images, special effects, and text, giving potential buyers a greater understanding of the concept you’re trying to communicate through the sales video.
  • It’s a mix of media with attention-grabbing content that explains your business’s concept.
  • Videos can help viewers look at your service or product and illustrate real-world uses for social media users.
  • Also, they give potential buyers the benefit of having any questions they might be able to answer before purchasing, which can lead to purchases.

For marketing professionals like us, the increase in video content offers an opportunity to market content with many benefits. But do you know how to use it to increase views on videos? How can you create videos that go beyond the traditional commercials on TV? Is it just an issue of quality of production, or is the effectiveness of video marketing determined by something else? 

Therefore, if you’re not using this highly effective marketing method, these statistics can give you the boost you’ll need to begin creating videos for marketing.

General Video Marketing Stats

1) Video on landing pages may boost up to 86 percent of the conversion.

Videos are simple to watch. Instead of searching through endless amounts of information, look at a video to discover everything you must be aware of a product. According to the study, 78\% of users gained more traffic to their site after watching videos.

Furthermore, the fact that 86 percent of video marketers said that the time spent on their websites was increased due to video.

The majority of the users created more leads because of video content. 44\% of users grew their sales.

2) Advertisers spent more than $16 million in video advertising in 2021.

Statistics on video marketing show that this lucrative business will continue to grow each year. So, it’s not surprising that more companies are investing in skilled marketers who can create the most effective video advertisements.

3) Around 68\% of the population said that the pandemic has directly affected the quality of video content they’ve viewed on the internet.

The same study revealed that most people who responded yes to the initial question (96\%) are watching more videos because of the coronavirus pandemic.

4) Most (85\%) of Facebook videos are viewed without audio.

Have you ever thought about how many videos are not accompanied by sound?

The majority of them. And the data show that 76\% of the videos require sound to be understood, which means that should you not be cautious, your marketing efforts may be wasted. Marketers can make videos for which audio isn’t necessary or even use closed captioning to solve this.

Closed captioning shouldn’t be only meant for people who are hard of hearing. Brands can begin using this technology to convince viewers that their videos are worthwhile to watch.

5) On average, Instagram videos that receive the most comments are 26 seconds long. 

Have you ever thought about how long the length of online videos ought to be?

Humans are apathetic. If you wish to grab the viewer’s attention and make them absorb your message, you need to be mindful of their time. Videos with 30 seconds or less duration are the ideal choice for Instagram because they’re sufficient to communicate a message without becoming too intrusive to the viewer. Twitter and Facebook videos must be as short as possible since people like to view, share and leave quickly, as YouTube permits more detailed long-form videos.

6) 79\% of users prefer video to text when learning about a service or product.

It’s much easier for many people to grasp important information through watching videos than by using text to discover information about the details of something. It’s faster, more fun, and allows them to learn everything they need about the service.

7) 86\% of companies will employ videos as a tool for marketing by 2022.

More than four businesses have embraced the trend and begun incorporating footage into marketing campaigns.

According to HubSpot, most users are happy with the results and plan to continue using video in the coming year. For those not currently using video, 74\% said they were planning to begin in 2019.

This is a significant leap compared to 2017 when just 34\% of marketing professionals planned to use this content.

8) 53\% of people are drawn to a brand when watching an online video.

Statistics on social media videos show that consumers discover brands via their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles.

The posting of informative and exciting videos will inspire users to share the videos on their profiles. This will, in turn, increase leads and your company’s visibility.

9) 88\% of marketers are pleased with their social media video advertising ROI.

While video production is time-consuming and requires special software, most marketers are pleased with the results. Marketing video content can be costly. However, the return on investment can be high enough to justify the expense and motivate executives to consider investing in a sound video strategy.

The ROI for videos on social media is 63\%. It’s followed by graphic and photography at 56\% and blog posts at 25\%.

10) Research shows that 54\% of people want to watch more videos from the business or brand they are loyal to.

The majority of consumers want their preferred brand to appear more active. They are not afraid to dedicate their time to watching videos online when it is engaging or informative content.

Video is highly sought-after, and those who don’t act fast to meet the growing demand risk falling behind and losing many of their customers.

Well-curated video content is the ideal option to catch your viewers’ attention.


The future is in video marketing. Implementing the concept into your current marketing strategies is essential if you wish to remain on top of the game and get the desired results. Paying attention to the social media element in your online marketing plan is crucial. We hope that these statistics on video marketing provided some insight into the state of advertising today to assist you in creating an effective marketing strategy for your business. If you’re not yet making investments in videos, it’s not more appropriate than now.

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Hello, I'm Sai. I'm a freelance writer and blogger. I write unique and researched-based content on Saas products, online marketing, and much more. I'm constantly experimenting with new methods and staying current with the latest Saas updates. I'm also the founder and editor at Bowl of Wellness, where I share my latest recipes and tips for living a healthy lifestyle. You can read more at Bowl of Wellness -