Home/Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Software/Odoo PLM vs DevexUpdated on: April 16, 2024

Compare Odoo PLM vs Devex

82% The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read More Remove
81% The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read More Remove
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82% The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read More Remove
81% The SW Score ranks the products within a particular category on a variety of parameters, to provide a definite ranking system. Read More Remove
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Odoo is an innovative Product Lifecycle Management platform that lets the users manage their products entirely. Odoo PLM empowers enterprise social networks to help the user communicate efficiently in real-time across multiple departments. The Integrated Document Management feature of the platform lets the user pass information to the manufacturing department with triggered alerts on their worksheets or control panels, attach their documents directly to BoMs, routings, or wherever needed, and easily manage multiple versions of their documents. Using the Smart Versioning feature, users can align every department on the same documents, thus enabling them to track changes efficiently across multiple levels. Users can work simultaneously on various versions of the same BoM parallel and apply differences only to manage multiple changes when needed. Odoo PLM is fully integrated with other Odoo apps like MRP, Purchase, Maintenance, and Quality, making it easier for users to manage their operations. ..show more

DevEX PLM helps product teams to bring ideas to life without violating any safety, industry, testing, budget, or compliance regulations. It gives feedback, updates, and notifications to keep everyone on the team informed. Designed management, collaboration, document processing, data management, compliance, formulation management, labeling, and an electronic file repository are just a few of its key capabilities. Selerant ensures compliance and enables innovation throughout the whole formula-based PLM process, from idea to label to finished product. Devex PLM software, our enterprise PLM software, covers the needs of premier manufacturers in terms of new product development and compliance. Devex PLM streamlines business processes and capitalizes on an organization's knowledge to provide a major competitive advantage in new product creation and management. It's a strong solution that allows companies to centralize key components of product development and launch. The platform puts the company in charge of every aspect of the product creation cycle, from conception to manufacture to product disposal. ..show more


Audit History Keep a record of all audits done in the past so that they can be checked against the present and future data.

Augmented Reality Tool Built-in Augmented Reality Tool to visualize changes before actually implementing them.

Automate Design Creation Creates designs automatically based on rules and leave all the mundane designing works for the software.

Bills of Material (BOM) Management Tracks materials such as inventories, subassemblies, components, and parts throughout their life.

Change Management Make coordinated changes during the product's lifecycle and accomplish alterations even after finalization of designs.

Collaboration Helps you safely share data with only those who matter and enhances your teamwork

Document Publishing Publish shipping, patent, approval and other documents automatically within no time.

Electrical Design Management Manage CADs and track any change, validation, etc. related to all electrical designs made in-house

Platform Structures Create platforms for different types of products and design them on a demand basis

Product Data Management Stores product-related information like CAD designs, documents, manufacturing instructions, parts information, etc, in a central repository

Quality Management Integrate quality department into the products lifecycle to ensure optimum quality

Report Generation Gathers data and generates reports as PDF file.


Access Monitoring

24/7 (Live rep)

Business Hours


Contact Number/Address

Brussels, Belgium

New York, New York / 1+212-792-8910





Mobile - Android

Mobile - iOS

Installed - Windows

Installed - Mac




Large Enterprises

Medium Business

Small Business


Pricing Model

Free Trial


One-time license



Quotation Based


Odoo PLM

Those apps are free until the need for more apps or hosting options


  • Manage engineering changes
  • Integrated Document Management
  • Smart versioning
  • Real-time Communication
  • Automate your purchasing workflow
  • Dashboard & Statistics
  • Automate preventive maintenance
  • Quality Management

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  • Highest number of dedicated PLM resources
  • Pioneers of PLM development (began in 1990 before PLM was even a term)
  • Solely developed for formula-based manufacturing
  • 2x industry-standard reinvestment in new technology, not new acquisitions
  • Consistently recognized as leader in formulation and regulatory solutions
  • Most configurable software for a customized solution
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Odoo PLM Screenshots
View 9 screenshot(s)
Devex Screenshots


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