In the fast-paced digital landscape of 2024, writers need more than just pen and paper to craft compelling content. Whether you’re a seasoned author, a budding blogger, or a professional copywriter, having the right tools at your fingertips can make all the difference in your writing journey. From grammar checkers to content ideation platforms, the world of online writing tools and resources is vast and ever-evolving.

In this guide, we’ll explore the best online writing tools and resources that are shaping the way we write in 2024. From enhancing your writing style to streamlining your workflow, these tools are designed to empower writers of all levels. Let’s dive in and discover the tools that will take your writing to new heights this year.

Top 10 Online Writing Tools in 2024

Online Writing Tools
Source: FromDev

Cliche Finder 

“Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figures of speech that you are used to seeing in print,” George Orwell advised in his six rules for writing. The Cliche Finder highlights cliches in your text so you can avoid using overused expressions.

You don’t have to go back to the drawing board if you’ve had it with clichés. You only need to use Cliché Finder to double-check it. This handy tool will find and reveal hidden clichés in your writing — phrases that have been used so many times that they’ve lost their original impact.


Byword is a useful app available in both the Windows and Mac App stores that allows you to write something (whether it’s a new chapter, a blog post, or any other type of written content) on one device and share it with others.

You can export your writing to HTML, PDF, and rich text formats, and the device also syncs with iCloud and Dropbox. This is a great way to jot down ideas for new topics or creative inspirations as they occur and then follow up on them later.

Unstuck App 

Stuck moments can range from “I want to mend my relationship with my father” to “should I go to college today?” to “How do I balance my work life and social life all the time?” Unstuck is based on the idea that all you need to get unstuck is to let everything out, clear your mind, and come up with a workable plan with workable goals.

Unstuck is an app that provides “on-demand coaching whenever and wherever you need it.” It includes mind maps, to-do lists, and other tools for breaking things down into manageable chunks.

Unstuck can help you clarify the goal of your article or post and find your writing groove by creating milestones that organize what you want to say while preventing you from going off on a tangent.


This online service will help you spot overused words in your writing, even down to the smallest “ifs,” “ands,” and “buts,” if you want it to be that specific. As an added bonus, if you’re writing for SEO, you can use Wordcounter to track the number of keywords in a document.

Aside from counting words and characters, this online editor can help you improve your word choice and writing style, as well as detect grammar errors and plagiarism. Simply place your cursor in the text box above and begin typing to determine the word count. As you type, delete, and edit them, the number of characters and words will increase or decrease. You can also copy and paste text from another program into the above-mentioned online editor. The Auto-Save feature ensures that no changes are lost while editing, even if you leave the site and return later.


Synchroedit is collaborative writing software that allows multiple users in different locations to work on the same document at the same time.

Have you ever wished that you and your coworkers could collaborate on the same file without passing around different versions or accidentally overwriting each other’s work? You can do that with Synchroedit now. This multiuser editor allows multiple users to edit the same document online at the same time. You can use common formatting styles like bold, italics, indents, and list styles because Synchroedit is fully WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get).

Zen Writer 

Zen Writer is a $10 software program that eliminates distractions (such as checking email or Facebook) by occupying the entire width and height of your screen and forcing you to devote it solely to writing.

Therapeutic music and natural scenery play in the background (which explains the program’s 60+ MB size), and all the extraneous features you’d expect to find in a writing program, such as formatting, headings, and tables, are removed, leaving you with just you and your words.


StayFocusd allows you to set time limits for your time spent on distracting websites and online games. It’s extremely customizable, as you can block entire websites, subdomains, and even in-page content like videos and games. You can also choose how long to block them out, so if you absolutely must water your Farmville plants, you can do so in an hour. 

Creativity Portal’s Imagination Prompt 

If you suffer from a blogger’s block, the Imagination Prompt can assist you by providing a simple writing prompt to get you started. Prompts can range from “What is truth?” to “Tomorrow, I will do it again in a different way… here’s how.”

You can also add your spin to these prompts, such as “What is truth in advertising?” or “What Sets my Product Apart from the Crowd?”


Readability is more of a reading app than a writing app. It removes all the clutter from web pages, leaving you with a simple, easy-to-read document that you can save to your iPhone, iPad, or Android device to read later. With a clear, uncluttered view, you can finally get around to reading those articles and posts you’ve been putting off. Readability is also available as a Firefox extension. 


This blog talks about some of the incredible online writing tools that you must get acquainted with to make your work easier and save time. If you want to know more about it, connect with SaaSworthy


Shashank is an IT Engineer from IIT Bombay, specializing in writing about technology and Software as a Service (SaaS) for over four years. His articles have been featured on platforms like HuffPost, CoJournal, and various other websites, showcasing his expertise in simplifying complex tech topics and engaging readers with his insightful and accessible writing style. Passionate about innovation, Shashank continues to contribute valuable insights to the tech community through his well-researched and thought-provoking content.